Chapter 1-Discovery

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So as you can tell this is my new story and i just got the idea and i know im not that good of an author but just bear with me gummybears!

Valencia's POV

I rushed home, knowing Mom would be drunk. Again. I sighed, knowing I was going to be yelled at. But I was never angry at my mom, I knew why she drank so much. My father had left her when I was born and Mom got real depressed. So , to think she could solve her problems, she drank. A LOT. So, when I was young, I got whoopings from a belt when I got home. But now, at age 17, all Mom can do is scream at me and throw her beer bottles.

When I came inside, I was surprised to find my mom dead asleep on the couch. I dropped my backpack and went to the kitchen for a mini garbage can and special soup I made when she got hangovers. I had gotten over to Mom again just when her eyes popped open. She gave me a seething look and started the screams. "YOU LITTLE B**CH! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT AGAIN SINCE I FEEL TERRIBLE! YOUR FATHER LEFT ME BECAUSE OF YOU!THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" With that, she flung a bottle at me. I ducked just in time to get out of the way, but a scrap of glass hit my forehead. I cringed and ran outside to the backyard. I jumped over my fence and headed through the forest, my mother's yells fading away.

I walked to my pond in the forest. Well, not really mine, but I was the only one who knew about it. I walked to the swing by the pond, and thought about old memories. I thought about Dad, when I was little, he used to take me here. He would push me on the swing and tell me about his past, with all its wonderful and also funny stories.

Memories flooded my mind, and tears flooded my eyes. I let them drip down my face. I always wondered why Dad left us. I knew it wasn't another woman, it couldn't be. My dad was so in love with mom, so in love...... But something changed him. When Dad left, he swore that he would come back for me on my eighteenth birthday. I had waited and waited, always believing that Dad wasn't lying. Now, I doubted that. I didn't think he even remembered my name, or even that I was his daughter. But in my heart, I know that he will come. And since this story begins the day before my birthday, excitement and wonder anticipated me.

I heard a twig snap off to the side of me. I turned to see a girl my age walking towards me. She neared close to me and looked me over. I stood there, blank. When she had compleatly looked me over, her eyes widened. "Valencia Starlina Etney?" she gaped. I nodded, wondering how she knew my name. The girl's face broke into a grin. "Your father has been waiting. You must come with me." My eyes widened as hers. "M-my dad?" I stammered. She nodded, grabbed my arm and dragged me through a path I'd never been through before. We crossed a golden bridge that looked like it came out of Bridge to Terabithia. When she let go of my arm, I looked up at a silver castle, straight out of Cinderella. "Welcome home, Princess Valencia."

Yay! Do you like it? BTW I'm still not gonna upload until I get five comments! PLEASE????????

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