I could tell he was let down that we weren't alone but what am I supposed to do, not acknowledge my friends? So we sat down with them and a waiter took our orders.

"Is this supposed to be a date?" Antwan and Imani asked at the same time. At that moment I realized how annoying we can be when we do that. And I looked at Lorenzo for an answer, and he looked at me and smiled. "Honestly I would like it to be but It's up to Jonathan to decide what this is. And I laughed because once again I hate being put on the spot and I turned red.

Well Lorenzo, this isn't a date, because you never asked me on a date. This is technically lunch after class, so... I said shrugging and brushed my leg with his and he smiled and nodded. Aight he said and ate off of my plate and I shoved him and he pulled me closer and Antwan and Imani made those annoying shady faces.

"So how was everyone's first day of class?" Lorenzo asked and everyone started talking about their classes and schedule set up was when Quincy walked in. Why the hell do I feel like he's popping up everywhere I am nowadays. I moved Lorenzo's arm off of me before he noticed and when he sat down across the restaurant he nodded at me and I nodded back and smiled. Lorenzo looked at me and smiled and I sat back in my chair with the same smile on my face before I excused myself and went to the bathroom. Antwan invited himself to but I told him I need privacy and he sat back down.

When I got out of the bathroom I noticed Quincy was standing outside the restaurant so I went outside. His back was face me so I tapped his shoulder and he turned around but he was on the phone. When he saw me he looked surprised and hurried off the call.

With his hands rubbing his thighs he said what's up, and I said "nothing much. Ever since you rushed in to fight my battle, the battle of a stranger may I add.... I never got the chance to say thank you... so thank you." I said with my hands in my pockets. He nodded and smiled. Yeah you're a stranger, but you looked like you were in a situation you weren't prepared for and I could sense that you were uncomfortable. So I did what I hope any good guy would do if they saw that situation.

I nodded and chuckled and he walked up towards me and asked what was so funny and I looked him in the eyes and said you may have been a stranger to me but you knew who I was, didn't you? I asked smirking.

He laughed, and nodded yeah I did. But that's because there's no one new on this campus that I don't know about..

Oh really I countered... so you know her... I asked pointing at some random girl with a UNC shirt on, and he laughed.

New on this campus worth knowing, he said, smirking and walking up on me to the point that his 6'5 self was literally hovering over me. But I'll let you get back to your friends and boyfriend, I gotta get going.

I nodded and walked away... I knew what he was doing, he was hoping I revealed that Lorenzo wasn't my boyfriend but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of thinking I was in to him like that...

"Catch you later Jonathan..." he said watching me walk away.

I smiled and turned around. "See you around, Quincy."

Oh so I'm not a stranger then huh? He asked smiling. I laughed and said "yeah you're, but Clarence informed me that you were the person who called him about my little situation last week, I said winking. See you around stranger. He nodded and walked to his car... and I realized he didn't even order food...

When I walked back in everyone was at the table laughing and when I sat back down Lorenzo was sort of distant, not like his usual self.
Once we left Lorenzo and I drove over to Clarence's apartment in silence. Once we were almost there he broke the awkwardness and revealed that he likes me. "I understand you just got out of a sticky situation, but I have to let you know that I'm feeling you," he said. Not through Clarence or anyone else. I want to get to know you and treat you right if you let me. We can go slow, fast or whatever pace you want. That is if you're into me like that.

Love on his sleeves: College PassionWhere stories live. Discover now