Chapter Five: Captured!

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Ahsoka sat bolt upright, and promptly banged her head. She was in some sort of compartment in the back of a moving vehicle. Whatever it was, she couldn’t move around very much. It went over a bump in the surface that they were on, which caused her to bang her head again and start cursing as a result.

 But, unfortunately, it didn’t come out as anything more than muffled noises. There was some sort of a gag in her mouth, and, on closer inspection, a shock collar on the neck, and her legs, hands, and feet were all bound. Great, she thought. I can’t get out, I can’t make any noise, and I have just about everything that I could use to focus the Force bound!

  She suddenly smiled to herself, because one on her lips wouldn’t have worked due to the gag. But I do have something… She worked her hands out from behind her back and over her legs until they were in front of her, then brought them to her mouth. Then she promptly tore the foul-tasting gag out od her mouth and spit into the corner a couple of times to get the taste out.

  Few people know this about them, but Togruta live off of a mainly carnivorous diet, and have very, very sharp incisors, courtesy to their evolution. Pulling her lips back into what looked like a snarl, she proceeded to cut the roped around her hands with her teeth.

  After about five minutes, she was starting to get tired of trying to get it to break and the continuous back-and-forth motion. But just as she was about to give up, the rope broke.

  Taking the limp ropes from her wrists and untying those on her legs and feet, she closed her eyes and channeled the Force from her midichlorians and into her mind. From there, she did a scan of the area around her.

  She was in the trunk of a speeder, and couldn’t feel many living things around her. Only the countless grains of sand of a desert. But, because the Force-scan allowed her to feel what was around her and not see it, she couldn’t use its color to tell her anything. But the planet’s twin suns, and two moons orbiting around it, did.

  She was on Tatooine, and the speeder that she was in was headed for Jabba the Hutt’s palace. She lapsed out of her scan to come back to her own thoughts. Why would Hondo be taking me here? Unless…

  Her eyes widened, and she began to frantically search around her compartment for a way out. There was none.

  She sighed in defeat, because there was nothing she could do. She was now certain that she was about to become a slave to Jabba the Hutt.

 A few minutes later, the speeder carrying Ahsoka in its cargo hold stopped at Jabba’s palace and Hondo’s men dismounted. By then, Ahsoka had come up with a plan and was ready to begin the Stage One. She curled up and pretended to be asleep.

  “Uh, boss?” said the pirate who had opened the trunk. “The Jedi’s still here, but she somehow got free of her bonds!”

  “What?” She felt Hondo run over to look. “You idiots! Imbeciles! I told you to cuff her, so why didn’t you?”

  “Sorry, boss,” another piped up. “We couldn’t find any.”

  “Remind me to have someone reorganize the weapons and cuffs and things when we get back.” Hondo stormed off, and two of the men picked her up and carried her inside. 

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