A boy in white

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Wei Ying shuddered as the dog's jaws were just far too close for comfort. Then again the dog anywhere within the feeble shack was far too close for comfort to Wei Ying. Earlier that morning, Jiang Cheng had come in furious. Without really explaining anything or even turning to Wei Ying, he had slammed the door wide open in a fit of anger and then turned to leave, and let the dog in the room, leaving Wei Ying to deal with pain from the still healing strikes from Zidian, and the over-flooding fear from the dog which was getting steadily closer to him. Unfortunately, Wei Ying was as far as possible from the vengeful beast. He did not know what had caused the other to get so mad and so angry, but neither could he really focus on such things when his vision was blurring, and his arms where shaking, and his body was quaking. Tears were flying down his face, the dog was simply just too close and in his fear he could do absolutely nothing about it. His fear kept him captive. He closed his eyes against the beast, too scared to even look at it.

 He felt something on his shoulder, a brief touch, and he yelped, jerking away futilely, gasping from terror. It did not feel like...claws though, or teeth after a second of consideration, though that did not necessarily mean anything good either. Hesitantly, he opened his eyes, just barely. His eyes caught sight of...white? It was an arm, enveloped in white. Trailing his eyes nervously upwards, he saw a man, not too much younger than himself, standing in between him and that bloody beast. He choked on relief, unable to comprehend all of his emotions at once, and began to laugh. The person retreated, moving away and Wei Ying stopped, inhaling sharply, and grabbing at the other's sleeve, desperately. Nails curling into flesh, even underneath all of the fabric. Terrified eyes gazed into calm ones.

"N-No, M-master, p-please do not leave m-me here." He pleaded. The other's eyes widened at the title, staring at him in shock. As though he had not expected such a reaction or such a title to be placed upon him. Quickly, given the situation, the person gathered their emotions. He smiled softly, and calmly spoke to him, gently lifting Wei Ying's hand from his arm.

"I am not going to leave you here. Do not worry. If it is your desire, I will take you back to my sect with me. I am sure that you will be welcomed." Wei Ying stared at the young master in awe.

"W-would your s-sect leader not be a-angry with you. M-making such claims?" The person smiled gently. Wei Ying liked this smile. It was a calm smile, soothing, and Wei Ying liked it.

"No, certainly not." Wei Ying pulled himself inwards, back to the wall as he watched the young master usher the dog outside, almost collapsing in relief.

"You...Thank you." Wei Ying said, wanting to ensure that the young master knew his thanks. "But...I cannot leave the hut. N-Not without permission." Wei Ying could not really understand why he was so hung up on that, but he was. The other paused. He looked back at him.

"Did you swear?" He asked quietly. Wei Ying nodded slowly. "What did you swear?" Wei Ying furrowed his brows, a bit confused as to why the young master was ask....Oh. Wei Ying scoffed, a bit at himself, and a bit at the situation. He could not believe. He shook his head. Glancing up at the young Master, Wei Ying began to feel a bit more comfortable, since the dog was gone.

"I give you permission to leave if you so wish." The young cultivator said simply, watching him carefully.

...He is in white...

"How do I know that you will not hurt me, should I leave with you? I know nothing about you. You could be just as bad as Master Jiang." The white robed man's eyes momentarily widened and mouth slackened at the information, but once more collected himself within record time. He seemed to be thinking it over.

Do not do it, Sizhui. He warned himself. First and Second Master Xichen and Wangji will murder you if you do such a thing, should they find out. First Master Child Lan Xichen will certainly find out, and when he does he will undoubtedly tell Second Master Child. However, Sizhui could think of no better situation. He decided to do it anyways, consequences to be focused on at a later time. He reached about him, and unstrapped his sword. Wei Ying bit his tongue, and held his breath desperately, eyeing the other carefully. Sizhui slowly moved towards the floor, and placed his weapon on it. Then, after rising, he kicked the sword towards Wei Ying.

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