00. | And so, I die.

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Warning: Possible Triggers (Blood, Car Accident, etc.)

   Like any other novels about reincarnation, this main character gets hit by truck because of their stupidity, they tried to save someone, or they happen to be unconscious of their surroundings. But the protagonist went away differently-- they were the one driving the truck and they swerved to miss someone. But in return, he smashed to a building!

When they open their eyes and suddenly the world around them wasn't the same anymore. And, remembering the pain and cracks he felt as his body was smashed, Clearly, they were in someone else's body!

And to make matters worse, they were inside the body of the wicked antagonist of the story they had just read!

Obviously, the antagonist of the story had died tragically in the hands of the protagonist. So the reincarnator had decided- they'll definitely change for the better and avoid the tragic end destined for them!

Well, that was the summary for 'Blood is Black', the novel Julius had just finished reading. All in all, it wasn't a bad novel, just your standard wicked goes "good" and the harem of the "protagonist" was given to the reincarnator. Of course, add a dash of face slapping, plot holes filled and tragic backstories, then you have a good book. The only problem Julius had with it was the way the MC treated the cannon fodders.

Though they treated the original antagonist bad, they didn't do anything to the MC and yet, they still got a tragic end. There was also the fact there was times the MC was too OP for his taste.

Julius sighed, putting his phone back in his bag. No matter what his thoughts were, it's not like he could just asked the author to change things. He pushed his glasses, waiting for the stop light to turn green. He was in the sidewalk along with people, all waiting to cross to the other side.

But screams suddenly erupted from behind him, and he was pushed forward.

He stumbled, catching himself before he could fall face first into the road. He didn't even had time to react properly before he was quickly pushed aside. The truck whizzed passed him, his left ankle twisting in the process. It all happened too fast- next thing he knew, the truck was slammed to a building, a body was a few feet away from him.

Julius's eyes widened, patting his face and his body, making sure he was still alive and breathing. He shifted his position, but pain immediately shot up from his left leg. Well, he was definitely still alive, but it wasn't his own doing. He looked at the bloody body, his expression complicated. He was thankful for the man that he saved his life, but he was guilty that in return, their life was taken away. This made him questioned, Why was he saved? How was he saved? The truck was already fast and coming, yet he was... He was...

People came over to help the people in the truck, a few  approaching Julius asking if he was alright. Julius didn't reply, his mind still in a haze. He didn't even noticed he was already being carried to the sidewalk.


    He was out of the hospital when the doctor wrapped a cast around his ankle. After he was given prescriptions and tips on how he should treat his wounds he went home by a taxi.

Julius still couldn't believe what had happened. He wanted to look for the male's family to show his appreciation, but it's not like he knew the man. He thanked him in his heart instead, hoping he'll live a better life in the next.

He opened the door to his apartment, switching the hallway lights. He slowly removed his shoes, placing them on the rack before he went inside his house.

But he wasn't sure whether it was just a day full of bad luck or coincidence,
He saw a dark figure aiming a gun towards him. The figure was wearing baggy dark clothes and a mask, the air around them was cold and dangerousm

The loud bang of the pistol echoed through the empty apartment, loud enough for his neighbors to hear. Julius looked down at his bleeding chest, then up at the intruder.

He closed his eyes, and died.

So yeah, he's pretty much dead now.

Not much to write.


I don't know.

Oh, wait, would you look at that, he's actually the protagonist of this story.

Which means he can't die this early.

Ah man, why did I write this...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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