Nana smiled happily. "Jungkook-ah, I-"

"Stop calling me like that," Jungkook said through clenched teeth.

"I'm not a kid."

"O-Okay," Nana nodded hesitantly, and then took a deep breath.

"From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I wanted to be with you. I just knew that I could make the perfect wife for you. I want to be by your side no matter what, and -and I can be a great mother to your children. I just love you so much…"

After a pregnant silence, Jungkook spoke slowly,

"Is it over?"

"I-I guess so," Nana stuttered, taken aback by Jungkook's impassiveness.

"Did I do anything to give you hope?" Jungkook asked, his eyes never leaving the approaching form of his little son.

"N-Not exactly," Nana said, and then added quickly.

"I just know that I'll be good for you! I'll be a mother to your son, and I'll give you beautiful children. You don't have to stick to Taehyung anymore!" She nearly shouted and added desperately,

"Look at me, and see me for real!"

Nana's breath hitched in her throat as Jungkook's hand grabbed her throat suddenly.

"You will stop this nonsense," Jungkook hissed.

"I have a million things in my mind, and you aren't even the least one," He held her thin neck tighter, and Nana opened her mouth wide to take a breath in.

"I won't tolerate any more of your stupid actions. The only reason you're alive is now that I promised my Taehyung that I wouldn't kill you. But, don't ever try my patience…"

The moment Jungkook let go of her, they heard Yeonjun's happy shout,

"Daddy, we got lots of things!"
Jungkook smiled.

"Get inside and let's see what you got,"

He glared at Nana. "Open the door for my son."

Nana nodded and went to open the door, and soon, Yeonjun was walking to the kitchen with Soobin beside him.

"I got daddy a huuuge Banana milk!" Yeonjun said happily, and put the plastic bag he was carrying on the floor.

Jungkook smiled softly, and lifted Yeonjun up, holding him close.

"Thank you so much," He hugged his son tightly, and kissed the soft skin of his neck.

"Who are you?" Nana asked Soobin, who was studying his surroundings.

"I'm Soobin, Captain Jeon's apprentice," Soobin bowed his head in greeting.

"Ah, you guys are already back,"

They turned to see Taehyung entering the kitchen. He was wearing white from tip to toe, the only color he carried was the Jeon crest on his back, and his blood red obi. Jungkook thought that it suited him, his lover was the light of his life, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"I think I'll take a shower, too," Jungkook said.

"Me too!"Yeonjun said quickly.

"Shower with daddy!"

"Okay," Taehyung smiled. "And I'll have your breakfast ready by then."

Nodding, Jungkook took the bag from Taehyung, and went to bathroom with Yeonjun.

"Now, Soobin, go take a nap. I'll wake you up when the breakfast is ready," Taehyung said, searching through the bags for the things he needed to make pancakes.

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