Chapter 02: Practical Problems

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When the doors of the submersible open, the blinding outdoor sunlight catches him by surprise. He lets out a wince as it stabs at his screwed tight eyelids. Even a hand could not shield him from the pain. He slings his bag and walks out, eyes slightly open just enough to see. It's taking awhile for them to adjust, but once they did, he could see the magnificent view in front of him.

A flock of birds flutter out from a nearby tree painting a deep perspective as a large bricked clock tower stands tall in the middle of the city. Looking around, it's not so much of a city but an enormous academy. An island of its own with facilities for training and preparing officers, soldiers, and commanders.

"Head past the gantry and walk straight to the main building. It's the large clock tower, you can't miss it."

With a quick wave of goodbye, he leaves for the gantry and stops by a T-junction just outside. To his left, in the distance, is the drill ground. He'll get to see it up close soon. To the right are the dorms from what he could tell. Buildings about four story high with balconies and hanged clothes could be seen.

"Left right left right, close up the gaps people!" A stern, loud voice could be heard coming from the drill ground. "Keep up Colette!"

"Y...Yes, sir!" A soft female voice responded, gasping for air. The class jogs past him, with Colette, a short girl with short black hair, lagging behind.

Aiden watch as they head to the main building but never entering it. They circle the perimeter and disappear around the side. He's going to be doing that very soon. With a dejected sigh, he wonders how he's going to last 8 weeks of intense training.

"You must be Aiden Cross." Another voice calls out. It's a strong feminine voice, not manly, but it held a weight of authority. A lady with tied up brown hair walks up to him. She's holding a file in one hand and an extended pointer in the other. Her dark blue uniform accompanied by her short dress skirt is tight, displaying the curves she has.

"Yes I am." He replied, wondering what position she holds in the academy.

"I am Selesia, head tactician and your class instructor.

"I've read your file and it interests me that you, not a soldier or military officer, is enlisting into the commanders course." She lifts the file into view and taps it with her index.

"Is that a problem?" Aiden shifts his weight, uncomfortable at where the conversation is going. Is she looking down on him?

"If you can prove your worth, pull your weight like everyone else, there won't be." She steps up, slightly taller than him thanks to her high heels. "Will that be a problem?" He could smell the perfume on her and there's a hint of...gunpowder?

He didn't answer. Sometimes silence is a viable option.

"Come with me I'll show you to your dorm room." She leads the way. "Did you bring your uniform?" She began.

"Yes," Everything related to the course is stuffed in the duffel, but he doesn't need to mention it.

"Get changed and meet me at the first floor common room." She leads him to the second floor of dormitory D. The corridor is bland with only the red carpeted floor giving color. "Your dorm room is 203. See you in ten minutes. Don't be late." She heads back down without any further instructions. Looks like he'll have to properly unpack at a later time.

He enters a room with the number 203 affixed on the door. It seems that the room is already occupied. There is a small stuffed animal sitting atop a stack of books on the workdesk, and a brown sling bag laying on the bed with its sling hanging off the side.

Commanders Course (Old Ver.) [Girls' Frontline Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now