So Weird

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Bobby walked up the stairs feeling like it was all still a nightmare. When he got to their mom's door he saw Audrey crying over the laundry their mom must have folded just before leaving. He put down their bag and quickly gathered his wife up in his arms. Kicking the door shut he let them finally have their moment of grief.

He found himself silently sobbing with his wife over the woman that loved them through it all

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He found himself silently sobbing with his wife over the woman that loved them through it all. He cried for her loss, he cried because his son would never know his grandma. After a while they cleaned each other up and went to check on the others.

Walking into Jack's room she noticed nothing had been changed, just cleaned. Mom always knew they would come home it seemed. Bobby sat on the floor while Audrey sat behind him on the bed. "Still makin' a bunch a racket on that thing?" Bobby teased seeing Jack's guitar. Jack smiled and wiped a tear. "Ya, still makin' a lotta racket."

"Too weird in mom's room?" Jack asked knowingly

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"Too weird in mom's room?" Jack asked knowingly. Bobby dropped his head back on her lap with a groan. "Ohh, way too weird. It's crazy." He said looking around. "I mean everything's exactly the same."

Jerry came to the door smiling. "What?" She asked. "Nothin, just happy to see you guys. Happy to see my whole family, that's all." Audrey watched Jack roll a joint and pouted about not being able to have it's calming effects while pregnant. "Happy to see you too, Jer." Bobby said.

She glared at her little brother as he lit it. "Lucky bastard." She whispered just loud enough for him to hear. It made him smirk and take another hit. She huffed laying back. "Guess I'll go to the store tomorrow...pick up a turkey and stuff. We can have a Thanksgiving dinner."

Wow, in all the fog she had completely forgotten it was Thanksgiving tomorrow. They all thought about how much mom would have like that. Angel walked out of his room with some of his old street clothes on. "Where you goin'?" Jerry asked. "It's a little heavy in here. Just gonna go outside and get some air."


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