the girl next door to my best friend pt. 3

Start from the beginning

What feels like hours but is really only a few seconds later, Y/N continues to chat mindlessly with him. And just like the silence the two somehow make comfortable, this mindless chat is something of a wonder to Taron. He could do it for hours provided it was with her and only her. Small talk may not be his thing, but somehow Y/N makes him tolerate it, hell, even like it. 

"Hey, we've gotten to know each other relatively well wouldn't you say?" She asks suddenly, steering the conversation in an entirely different direction. 

Taron frowns in confusion. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

She smiles knowingly, and puts her hands on the table flat in front of her, staring down at them. 

"Well...I just think that since we know each other now, maybe we should...I dunno." She laughs airily, like she isn't aware that her awkwardness is the cutest thing in the world to him. But she finally blurts it out. "Trade numbers?" 

It comes out kind of squeaky, but she doesn't blush, Taron does. Nonetheless he manages a bashful nod. He passes her his phone, his hand shaking terribly, and hopes to hell she doesn't notice, even though it's the most obvious thing in the world. A few minutes later they both have their number, and Y/N is feeling particularly proud of herself for putting herself out there for once. After so long of waiting for someone else to make the first move, she finally decided to try making it herself, and looks like it has (hopefully) payed off.

Taron looks down at the time on his phone finally, noting that almost an hour has passed and his coffee has gone cold. "I...should probably get going. I told Ben I'd be at his around now so..."

Y/N immediately stands. "Of course, I shouldn't be keeping you."

She laughs and reaches for her coat, pulling it on. 

"Are you heading home?" Taron asks, as he pulls his own on. "We can get a cab together, rather than pay for two separate ones."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." She smiles, and he pulls the door open for her.

The bell over the door jingles again, and once again they are enveloped in the frigid air. Y/N shivers impulsively, and wraps her coat around her tighter, though that does nothing to ease the cold. Taron hails a cab, and it pulls over faster than one would assume is safe, apparently understanding how cold they are in that moment. The two climb in, sitting opposite each other, and Taron tells the cab driver the address. 

It seems the cab driver doesn't like to set his heating on very high, because the air inside the cab is just as chilly as outside, though it doesn't have the same wind blowing it right into your face. Y/N continues to shiver violently, so Taron, doing his best to be a gentleman, offers her his coat as well. She accepts it with a tiny smile, draping it over the top of her. 

The cab ride isn't long; their driver knows all the shortcuts to avoid the horrid winter traffic. In no time at all they're pulling up in a spot outside both the houses. 

When Taron leans forward to pay the cab driver the man grins at him knowingly. "You guys make a cute couple."

Taron blushes, Y/N blushes, the cab driver grins toothily and also blushes, perhaps realizing from their awkward glances that they aren't a couple. He accepts the money and the two stumble out of the car; Taron shuts the door quickly. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't see Y/N lose her footing in the black ice beneath them. At least not until she comes crashing down on top of him, knocking his wallet out of his hand, and sending both of them onto the cold ground. 

The air is still cold, but Taron only knows this because he sees Y/N's breath wafting into his face. Everywhere else is warm. Where their skin touches is on fire; not that unlike his face, which burns intensely still from the cab driver's remarks. Y/N lets out a laugh, and again it can be seen escaping her lips. 

Her lips. 

Taron can't help but stare at them. They're a lovely red colour, just like her cheeks. She licks them now, perhaps the cold is drying them out, but Taron doesn't see anything less than perfection when he looks at them. 

They know they should get off each other. The ground is horribly cold, the air is even colder. Perhaps the cold has left them frozen, unable to move. Perhaps it's not that they enjoy the cold, maybe they just can't move. 

Yeah. They're sort of frozen, but they could move if they really, really wanted. 

And right now they both want to move. Really badly. Although, it's not to get up. No. They're perfectly content where they are. On top of each other. Closer than they've ever been before.

Not close enough though. 

Y/N bites her lip briefly, perhaps stalling, trying to figure out if this is a good idea. They say uncertainty is the only certainty, but Y/N has a feeling this risk might just pay off. There might be more than one certainties in this case. The look Taron gives her is so rich she feels her heart skip a beat. More than one emotion crosses his face, although she thinks, maybe he's just cold.

But Taron isn't cold. He's far from it. In that moment all he can think about is that moment only months ago. When Y/N slammed the door shut in his face, but not shutting out his captivation. He remembers the feeling he felt then, and realizes he's feeling it again. The butterflies. The feeling of a childhood crush. Only now they're older, more mature, not as childish as before. 

These thoughts occur to them in the split second after they hit the ground. But a split second was all it took. 

Y/N doesn't care anymore. She isn't worried about what others will think about her. 

Taron isn't scared anymore. He doesn't give a damn what would happen if this went wrong anymore. 

Y/N leans further towards him. Taron lifts his head up off the ground, moving to meet her lips in the middle. To close the space between them. And when they do it's like nothing else in the world matters, like nothing else exists. So much time between their first meeting and this moment. So much dancing around the feelings, ignoring the awkwardness, dreaming, wishing, hoping. But none of that matters now. All that matters is them, and now. 

People can probably see them right now. But they don't care. They just don't. 

Taron smiles underneath Y/N's lips, and pulls her closer to him. 


thinking of just leaving this here. I like to leave the ending up for the imagination hehe. hope you guys liked this also I might write a small epilogue in a while just to wrap things up ;)

send in requests!

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