The Captain

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Alice gathered her belongings hastily, constantly checking over her shoulder. In the darkness of her room she picked out her leather jacket and cloak. She put them on quietly and snuck out the door of her room, placing her sword in its sheath. The large palace she lived in glowed green in the dim starlight. She slid through the halls on her socks, careful not to make any squeaking noises on the floor. Alice stood at the top of the staircase and slipped on her boots. At the base of the curving staircase sat the witch that had her imprisoned, practicing magic.

She had seen a memory from her past. She stood by the witch's side and watched a ship sail away. The witch bent next to her and waved her hand. There was a flash of green light and she woke up here. Alice had recently realised the truth. The flash had wiped her memory, and the witch had taken her from her family. She knew she had to escape. The earliest thing she could remember was waking up in this prison, being told she was cursed by a wicked witch and had forgotten everything from before then. She had never imagined the witch was right in front of her. Or just down the emerald stairs.

Alice climbed over the railing and started down the side of the stairs. She kept an eye on the witch, making certain she was out of her sight. The witch sat suddenly still, but did not look in her direction. Alice rushed in a panic that broke her stealth. Her jacket's buttons collided with the metal rungs supporting the banister, making a small noise out of the dull silence. Alice froze as the witch pointed her grin at her. Halfway down the stairs, Alice jumped down and made a run for the door. She pulled open the tall behemoth and slid through it. She took off running, her feet landing in long strides along the yellow brick road. She peeked over her shoulder to view the witches position but saw only the palace door close behind her. Alice didn't look back again, just kept on her present course. She didn't know the land of Oz well, as the witch had kept her locked away to prevent any escape. Though the witch had raised her, Alice could see through her lies and into a shadow of jealousy.

By dawn Alice had reached the end of the road. Before her stood a great forest and to the left and right were villages filled with small people. The people crowded around her, dressed in colorful clothes and strange hats. They talked in high voices as they

Alice reached for her sword and they all backed away. "How can I get out of here?" Alice asked in a commanding voice.

"The docks are about a days ride from here, but I'm sure a pirate like you would know!" The munchkins scurried away from her in fear. She looked down at her clothes, confused. She wasn't a pirate by any standards, just a lost girl with no family, no fear, and no hope. Bitterly, Alice ran to the nearest house and mounted a horse. She kicked its side and leapt over a fence. In no time, she had taken off into the woodland. Alice took off with the horse, dodging trees and stomping through the brush. The dark forest seemed never-ending with the newly risen sun sending slim rays through the large mass of leaves. Alice kept wandering through the trees, now slowing her horse to a walk. She saw lovely flowers growing at the base of the logs and moss that spread up the side of the bark. She jumped from the horse's back and went to feel the tree's rough skin. She bent down and smelled the sweet flowers. Her head filled with the most wonderful thoughts and a grand smile crossed her face. But it was soon clouded by a miserable sight. She walked forward and saw the widest valley filled with flowers. However it wasn't the flowers that set her off, but those galloping on horseback towards her. There she saw true pirates. And again it was not the thought of pirates that troubled her, in fact they could lead her to the docks, but their clothes. The crew wore common rags along with scarves and hats, but the leader, he wore leather. Specifically a long leather jacket- just like hers. Alice had grappled with who she was ever since she learned of the witch's trickery, but to think herself a pirate, well, that was more deadly than poison. She had always been taught to fight with honor, and a pirate couldn't be further from that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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