He grabs his clothes and runs outside the door

Y/n:Whew,barely made it...

Kobayashi stares at y/n blushing as she sees him without a shirt


Kobayashi waves as y/n runs into his room to change

Kobayashi wipes a bit of blood from her nose as she continues to lay on the couch

Next Morning

Y/n wakes up and stretches

He smells breakfast


He opens the door and sees Tohru making breakfast

Tohru:Good morning y/n...

Y/n:Good morning Tohru...

She hums as she smiles and makes breakfeast

Y/n:Hey Tohru,I can wash your body if you want...


Y/n:In your dragon form,we have a hose we can use to wash you...

On roof

Y/n sprays Tohru with hose as she enjoys it

Y/n:Its like washing a car...

Tohru:Thank you y/n...


Y/n:It was a long day at work today huh Kobayashi?

Kobayashi:Yea,I'm glad we can lay down at the apartment...

Y/n's eyes widen


Kobayashi:What's wrong?

Y/n:This is the old apartment....

Kobayashi:Damn it...

Y/n:We're gonna be home a bit late...

Small Timeskip

Y/n opens the door as him and Kobayashi walk in

Tohru:Why were you guys out so long after work?

Y/n:Don't ask...just go to sleep and forget this happened...

Y/n wakes up

He yawns

Y/n:I have an idea! I should go back to sleep....

He lays back down but this time he hears a ton of noise

Y/n can't sleep

Y/n:HELL NAW! This is a problem!

He storms out his door

Y/n:Hey Tohru you wanna quiet down!

She turns around as her,kanna,and Kobayashi are all covering their ears

Tohru:Its not us...

Y/n:Oh sorry...

Tohru:Do you see me as a loud person?

Y/n:Yea...but geez our day off and I have to deal with this noise!

Tohru:It seems to be coming from the neighbouring apartments and above us well...

Tohru:Shall I go tell to quiet down,I can kill them if you want!

Y/n:Hell! I'll join you!


Y/n:Not really...maybe...

Tohru and Y/n walk out to room 401

Y/n knocks on the door as a woman answers


Y/n:Hey I know your not trying to make a ton of noise but could you maybe tone it down just a little bit...?

Woman:Is it that loud?

Tohru:What are you doing?

Woman:Well I'm cooking...

Y/n:I know how that is,I was cooking with my freind once to make spaghetti and she made me stab some tomatoes with a spear!

Tohru:A spear? Sounds fishy...

Y/n:Trust me,she is....

Woman:Well I'll try to keep it down a bit...

Y/n:Thank you...

She closes the door as they head to the next room

Number 403

Tohru knocks this time as a man opens the door

Man:Did you come here to listen to my music?

Tohru:We actually came to ask you to quiet down a bit please...

Y/n:What kind of music is it anyway?

He starts screaming as he bops his head

Y/n:You remind of my freind Retsuko,you guys should meet up somewhere but not here...I dont think I could handle you both screaming like that...


Y/n:Ok last room...502...

He knocks as a older man open the door

Man:I'm using a drill for work...


Tohru:Whatever just keep it down...



Y/n:Geez finally its quiet...


The silence stares to drive y/n insane

Y/n:You know I never thought that a little noise is what kept my sane...

Kobayashi:Yea my ears are ringing from the silence...

Y/n:You know what? You guys should tell me about your day,that would make me feel better...

Tohru:All of us?

Y/n:Yea...or talk about anything,or vent but just talk it'll make my day...

Kobayashi:Uhh really? Well sure...

Y/n thinks to himself

It's good to talk about things you want off your mind,maybe a little bit of noise isnt too bad...

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