An Unconventional Thanksgiving

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"Hey, don't you 'Luke Danes'  me Lachlan Gillespie! There are worse things in this world to be addicted to than coffee, you know." Molly mused, smirking slightly, though her smirk faded as she heard him explain about the bad weather. "Why aren't you with them?" Surely he wanted to be with his friends rather than spending hours in the airport.

There was a deep sigh on the other end before Lachy began to speak once more. "I'm just ready to be home in Brisbane, Molls. Don't get me wrong, I love being here, but, I miss my family and my dog, and sleeping in my own bed ..." His voice trailed off.

In all of the many phone conversations Molly had had with Lachy over the last couple of months, she'd never heard him sound as tired as he did at that moment. She couldn't blame Lachy for being tired and homesick, especially after he'd been on tour since early August with very little down time. Anyone would be exhausted after that.

"I'm sure you are, Lach. I couldn't imagine being away from home for so long. Any news about delays for you flight?"

"Not yet, so I'm assuming no news is good news? I hope so, at least..." He replied, "My flight is due to leave at 8:30, so I'm guessing..." Molly heard Lachy' pause for a moment before he sighed once again. "Well, scratch that, it'll be leaving at 2:45 p.m. now. They just posted a delay on the screen."

Molly glanced at the clock above the television on the wall and bit her lip. It was only around 7:15 a.m., so she knew he had quite a wait in store for him. "Well, so much for luck, huh? Where are you flying out from again? If you haven't gone through security yet, maybe I could come and sit with you while you wait. I know it's not the most fun thing to wait in an airport all alone."

"I haven't gone through security just yet, but I'll be fine. It's a holiday, Molly, you should be with your parents. And who knows..Maybe I'll get lucky and the flight will leave earlier. Let's just hope no Little Wiggles spot me... "

Molly opened her mouth to reply when she was interrupted by her mother. "Molly Beth? Who on God's green earth are you talking to this early?"

Molly turned to look at her mother and shook her head, mouthing "I'll tell you later." To which her mother just shook her head and continued into the kitchen to presumably pour herself a cup of coffee.

"Speaking of parents, that sounds like your mum? You know, it is rude to call someone before 9:00 a.m. Molly Beth..." Lachy teased.

Molly rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, sir, you're the one who called me!"

"Yes, but you texted me first, so the blame still falls on you."

Molly shook her head. "Well, you were awake anyway. Had I known you weren't at the airport, I'd have never texted you that early."

Lachy chuckled a bit. "Are you sure about that? It isn't the first time you've texted me at the crack of dawn, you know. Though to be fair, I do have a tendency to keep you awake with phone calls and texts way past your bedtime, don't I?" Lachy chuckled once more as Molly hummed in agreement. " I guess it'll get worse once I'm actually home. There's a 14 hour time difference between South Carolina and Brisbane."

Molly wrinkled her nose at this information. She still wasn't excited about that. Once Lachy was back in Australia their conversations would be limited to Skype, and only when they were both awake and free from work. "We'll figure something out." She said softly.

"We will." Lachy agreed before breathing another weary sigh. "I should let you go. It's thanksgiving, you should be spending time with your parents. I should also go see if there's anything I can do about getting my flight switched."

"I'll keep my fingers crossed. Let me know if anything changes." Molly replied. She knew the chance of Lachy getting an earlier flight was rather slim, at least one with minimal connections. But she wouldn't say that out loud, she figured he knew as well as she did.

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