⇢ 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐭

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because i'm unoriginal 👊


where- the record store
-there was a record that you wanted to look at but you couldn't reach
-lowkey frustrated
-"hey do you need help with that?"
-"uhh yeah, please"
-n e r v o u s  h a n d s
-his tall self got it down for you
-"oh cool, twin peaks"
-"yeah they're really good"
-had a whole conversation about music
-"we should meet up sometime"
-you exchanged phone numbers and said bye
-blushing is an understatement


where- the skate park
-you were with your friends
-y'all were trying but weren't really getting anywhere
-you fell and the skateboard fucked off somewhere
-"uh hey is this yours"
-helped you up and made sure you weren't injured
-"yeah thanks uhm im not great at skating and stuff so-"
-"yeah i can tell, do you want me to help you learn a few things?"
-"oH yeah sure"
-your friends were jealous 👀


where- next door
-a family was moving in next door to you 🤭
-you just stood at your door step and watched while your parents went to talk to them
-"..and this is y/n"
-basically she told you to get your ass over there
-you weren't interested but said hi
-"oH and this is wyatt"
-and now you were interested especially after you saw his fine self


where- school
-new kid ™
-your principle chose you to show him to all his lessons
-you immediately became friends somehow
-"so uhh next you have maths"
-"oh ew"
-you sat next to each other in almost every lesson
-your friends were trying to flirt with him🤡
-they scared him
-"are they always like that?"
-y'all share the same crackhead energy


where- the library
-you needed a book to help you study but you couldn't find it
-turns out he had it
-"uhh hey are you going to be long with that book i kinda need it to study"
-"yeah probably, but if you want you can sit with me and we can use it together?"
-soft smile
-"oh sure, thanks"
-you guys helped each other study
(no it wasn't human anatomy so don't even try that one)
-"i'll probably be here tomorrow so maybe i can see you then?"
-"yeah sure, and you can keep the book i don't need it anymore"


where- a party
-one of those dumb ones where you only know like one person
-you just kinda stood near a wall with your drink wondering when you were going home
-"oh- what the fu-"
-someone spilt their drink on you 😳
-"oh my god i am so so sorry i didn't do that on purpose that person over there tripped me i swear i really didn't-"
-"no no it's ok it'll wash out it's not a big stain or anything"
-she was panicking
-she kinda cute tho 👀
-you spent the rest of the party with her and got her number 🤩

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄 | it castWhere stories live. Discover now