Chapter 1 - The Proposal : Part 1

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A/N. Publishing this earlier than I was going to. Happy Reading :D

"You want to what?" Aisha was blinking at him blindly. Was he being for real? Was this really happening?

As Mondays go, this one had started off in the usual manner.

She had come into the office at 7 am, started the usual grind of going through her emails, when she saw a high priority mail from the BossMan himself.

That itself had put a damper on her usually high start-of-the-week spirits. But she decided to power through anyways.

It was not that she hated him. It was just that she disliked him. Intensely.

Having worked in the same company as him for the past five years, she did run into him quite a lot. But the man was still practically a stranger to her.

And it wasn't for lack of effort on her part. She had tried. Tried to befriend him, as she had the rest of her colleagues. But he remained so stiffly above all of them.

Granted he had bankrolled a lot of companies, including a few established WallStreet ventures and her company 'Connector' was a dwarf compared to those giants. But that didn't give him any right to look down upon them.

She remembered how annoyed he had been when his father had hired her as a Software Developer.

"Seriously Dad, she looks like she is right out of high school. I know this is a start-up, but can we at least hire someone with a few years of experience?"

His father on the other hand had been a god send. He had been a mentor and a guide to her. Helped her transition from a fresh-faced grad student to a polished Software Developer and had led to her expedited growth in the small startup.

Not him. She was sure Mr. Aaditya Ray disliked her just as intensely as she disliked him. He barely spoke to her if it wasn't about work. His monotonous discussions about work items drove her insane at times.

The only times she actually liked him were during their heated arguments during board meetings. Those were the only times he showed any real emotions. It was as if he was almost human.

"Miss Diwan?"

"I'm sorry I don't think I heard you correctly...Because I swear I heard you say you wanted us" She paused taking in a deep breath.

"To marry?" She whispered the words in a half question. Then to her utter surprise, she burst out laughing.

The absurdity of her words had hit her hard, and she couldn't contain her laughter at the sheer incredulity of them.

"Miss Divan...would you please calm down?"

She looked at him, blinking through tears of laughter. The man looked downright annoyed.

She tried taking deep breaths to calm herself, even as she held her hand up to let him know she was trying. Why the hell was she laughing so hard?!

"I have no idea why the idea of marriage has led to fits of laughter. It's highly unusual for a proposal to be met with such profuse mirth."

"Profuse mirth?!" She blinked again, feeling a kind of panic settle in. Who the hell spoke like that?!

His handsome face had a fierce look of confusion mixed with something that looked like concern. She caught her reflection in the tinted glass behind him. She looked like she'd seen a ghost.

She looked back at him. His face was almost carved to perfection. Luscious hair that were cut and neatly styled in professional look. His slightly long face with a sharp nose and a perfect mouth. But his eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes were what absolutely did it for him. It elevated his beauty to another level. He was also tall, a couple inches about six feet. He made her feel tiny and she was a tall lady, at least by Indian standards. Not to mention his amazing physique, the man was a beast.  Why did god have to make such a hideous person look so damn good? Another reason why she disliked him so much. He was too damn good looking.

The reality of what he had asked her hit her full force. She squared her shoulders and asked in what she hoped was a mature, sensible tone, "What are you trying to do? Is this some kind of sick joke?"


Hello Again Folks! So glad to post the first part. Hoping you like the start :D

How do you like Aisha and Aaditya? Any guesses on what their characters are going to be like?



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