Chapter 14: What's a Freak to a Monster?

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The Four Horsewomen brawled with Mickie and Lacey while the Kabuki Warriors brawled with Rose and Deville. The Empress of Tomorrow and the Pirate Princess threw Fire and Desire over the top rope. After Mickie was thrown out by Boss and Hug, the Queen and the Man worked together to take out the Sassy Southern Belle. Charlotte got Evans up in the powerbomb position. The Man, Boss and Hugger decided to help out and threw Lacey over Shield style onto the Corporation. Zelina came back in, only to be ambushed by Liv's Codebreaker.

The Kingdom stood tall as the show went to commercial.


Lexi and the girls were all ready as they got momentum on their side. It was now the guys' turn to hype up the match.

Lexi: our new member will be there with you guys

Miz: alright

Alex: we'll be back babe

The Viper and the Demon King led the Kingdom men group of: Alex, Chase, Travis, Colby, Dario, Pierce, Seth, Roman, Miz and Kevin. Unbeknownst to the Corporation, Bliss Kingdom has an ace up their sleeve that can match up with Lars.

(In the ring)

Shane and the Corporation men, which consist of: Batista, Corbin, Murphy, McIntyre, Lashley, Dawson, Wilder, Nakamura, Elias, Lars and Andrade were in the ring.

Shane: this Sunday will be the night of the Corporation because one of us will win the men's Royal Rumble match. Along with that, Corbin, Lashley, Andrade, Nakamura, Drew; we're counting on you to win those titles

The five men nodded with confidence while the Lone Wolf had a look of arrogance on his face.

Shane: now onto something important, Mike Rome can you-

Just like earlier, the Corporation were interrupted by the Kingdom men. Unlike the women, who surrounded the ring, the Kingdom men went in the ring to confront the Corporation head on. The Corporate men took a step back, but Lars stood his ground and the Freak stepped up in the face of the Viper.

Orton: we don't want to hear your "best in the world" crappy intro, Shane. We are all here to make a statement for this Sunday

Finn: you see, our leader Alexa has made a very important phone call after you recruited Lars here

The crowd cheered.

Orton: now, I'll let my protege speak

The Viper gave the mic to the Pharaoh.

Alex: Shane, when I AKOed you last week, it felt so damn good

The Pharaoh locked eyes with the so called best in the world.

Alex: but I felt, that wasn't enough; hell, even throwing you over the top rope this Sunday won't be enough. I wanted to do this for a long long time, and that is punting your skull

Shane had flashbacks of Randy punting his skull years ago.

Alex: I may even kick your boys' heads as well if they ever get in my way, especially you Murphy

Then Alex handed the mic over to Dario aka Blood Shepherd.

Shepherd: Corbin, I'll make sure this Sunday that you'll be thrown over; I don't care if you win the US title from AJ Styles because I'll be there to take it from you

Then the Demon King took the mic:

Finn: and Shane, do you think we're afraid of your Freak? Well...

He handed the mic back to Alex.

Alex: let me ask you a question, Shane

He got into Shane's face.

Alex: what's a Freak to a Monster?

Alex had a sadistic smile on his face as a familiar theme played.

Corbin, McIntyre and Lashley were beside themselves as Bliss Kingdom's newest member was Lexi's partner in the Mixed Match Challenge, the same man who helped Bliss Kingdom defeated Corbin and the Wolf-Pack at WrestleMania, the Monster Among Men, Braun Strowman.

The crowd popped from their seats as the Monster marched his way down the ramp and got in the ring to stand with Bliss Kingdom. The Monster got into the Freak's face as the crowd got more hyped up as one of their dream matches will soon become reality. Braun nodded as the crowd chanted, "get these hands."

While the two behemoths stared at one another, all hell broke loose as the Kingdom and Corporation brawled to the outside. Lars and Braun traded punches, and the Monster pushed the Freak to the ropes, only for Lars to hit a shoulder block, but with no effect. Braun went for a shoulder tackle of his own and fazed the Freak. The brawl between the Kingdom and Corporation went back in the ring while the two behemoths brawled.

The Wolf-Pack lieutenants were sent over the top rope by Chase, Colby and Dario. Alex clotheslined Murphy out; Finn took out Shinsuke with a slingblade; Orton nailed Andrade in the face with a dropkick. Travis leveled Batista with Sharp Attack; Pierce used his strength to toss the Revival and Elias out of the ring. Braun got Lars out with a heavy shoulder tackle. Then the Kingdom turned their attention to Shane. They fed the Best in the World to the Monster, and Braun threw Shane out to the Corporation like a rag doll.

The Kingdom stood tall with the Monster Among Men in their ranks as the Road to WrestleMania begins.

(A/N: in the Royal Rumble chapter, two people will make a return)

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