Chapter 12

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I wanna thank you guys so incredibly much for almost 11k reads. I never expected that much honestly. I thought it would be stretching it to even get like 500. This is amazing and I'm so blown away. I'd appreciate the votes and telling your friends about the story if you like it! Thank you again! Hope you enjoy the chapter xx

Walking into my house, I can't stop the smile creeping on my face. I shut the door and lean against it, letting my body slump to the ground in pure happiness. I don't know where this is going or what's gonna happen tomorrow at school but I'm just going to have to take things as they come.

I sigh because of pure bliss and pull myself up from my slump position and drag myself to the kitchen. I set my purse on the counter and search for a glass so I can get some water.

As I set the glass down I hear the front door open and in comes my mom.

"Hi mom."

"Hi sweetheart. You look lovely. What did you do today?" She asked eyeing my outfit. Clearly knowing I didn't stay at home all day.

"Oh. I-uhh hung out with sara. I just got back."

"Oh that's nice. Well I'm gonna start on dinner so scoot out of here please."

"Sure thing." I grab my stuff and head up the large staircase to my room. I sigh and fall on to my bed. I can't seem to stop thinking about him. I want to know everything there is to know about him. I want to know how he takes his coffee. And if he talks in his sleep. What he used to dream of being when he was a kid. I wanna know what makes him sad and what brings a huge smile to his face. Lord knows he's what brings a smile to mine. I wish he was younger and not my teacher.

This whole thing is gonna hurt like a motherfucker. I can already tell.


Mom's dinner was amazing. She made Chinese stir fry which is probably my favorite, with homemade egg rolls which I'm sure she found on Pinterest or something.

I thanked her for the meal and kissed my parents goodnight cause I'm sure I wouldn't see them for the rest of the evening. Dinner was usually the only time we spent together. We just weren't really a close knit family.

I went into my bathroom and starting taking the day off, one eye at a time, wiping off make up. It pained me to do so because I loved everything about make up and having to take it off sucked.

Louis started to come to mind in the process. I wonder what he's doing. Is he grading last minute tests and papers? Is he reading a good book? Or maybe watching his favorite television show? It's weird not having his number so I can text him or something. But then again, there was nothing not weird about this relationship. Or whatever it was that we were. Fuck buddies I guess. I don't really know. Maybe I'm overthinking this whole thing. At this point I'll take whatever I can get from him just to be near someone so utterly amazing.

Finally, I slip into bed, feeling content about my life right now. I have an amazing best friend who supports my decisions no matter how idiotic. Great grades and whatever I have with Mr. Tomlinson. Suddenly it hits me. Oh my god, Zayn. What the fuck am I going to do? I hadn't even thought of him. What am I gonna tell him? I can't just go behind his back but at the same time I can't tell him the truth. Fuck. I'm not sure what I'm going to say, but I have to end us.


My alarm hits me like a truck this morning. I groan loudly and somehow bring myself to roll out of bed. Before I trudge to the bathroom, I scroll through social media and reply to Sara's texts.

I apply a small amount of make up. Cause let's be honest, I can't be bothered to do a full face. It's 7:14 in the fucking morning. Throwing my hair is a messy bun, before I decide what to wear.

After what seems like an hour I finally decide on light wash high waisted skinnies, a short sleeve thin cream sweater and a light orange knitted cardigan. (Outfit on the side)

Grabbing my bag I run down the stairs and grab some coffee and a granola bad before heading to school.

I never used to be excited for school until Louis. I mean everything up until his class still sucks but he gives me something to look forward too. I'm still thinking about how he's going to act. God I just want him to bend me over his desk and fuck me like he means it.

When I get to school, Sara is waiting for me outside.

"You must tell me everything. Now." She demands, linking her arm with mine and walks inside.

"It was lovely. He was SUCH a gentleman. He didn't push me to do anything. He cooked lunch for me and we had a nice conversation and fell asleep for a little while. Not much to tell baby cakes."

"Oh come on. You two didn't do anything?"

"There may have been some make out sessions. But like I said. He didn't push me to do anything."

"What are you gonna tell Zayn?" She asks curiously as we walk into our first class.

Sighing, "I honestly have no idea. He didn't even cross my mind till last night right before I went to bed. I need to end it but he can't know why." I take my seat in my usual seat.

"Well you need to figure it out quick."

Tell me about it..

I've fallen in Love with my Teacher Mr. TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now