Red Rose

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Red Rose

If all roses were red,

The sly sky would not be blue,

And all hate would be cast away in safe keeping

But not all roses are red,

No not at all,

Some hide in the chilled snow instead.

And as we discover there are some that like to be them self,

Shy and pretty without knowing,

In the middle without fearing,

Pink as delicate as a young girls soul.

If all roses were red,

There would be no summer or fall,

All trees would be small,

Well all daisys are tall

Roses have feelings,

Yes they do,

They jump like fish,

While they sing their magical song,

Thats only a whisper amongst the hauling willows

Some people tell us not to believe,

Dont let them fool you,

Only some roses are red,

The sky is blue while trees stand tall.

If all roses were red,

You would tell me 'I love you'

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