The girl that hides behind her smile

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Chapter 2 -boy problems

I sat down at my desk waiting for the school bell to ring. I got bored so I decided to read a book , the girl on fire. As I began to turn the page a tall handsome boy tapped me on the back. " excuse me" he asked ever so softly. I turned around and looked at him  and my heart stopped. He was like an angel , sent from the heavens for me.but I needed to answer him quick before he thinks im weird , "yes?" I replied." Is that seat next to you taken" he smiled. I felt like i wanted to faint. HE  wants to sit next to me "wow" I giggled. "Wow what?" He asked, "ahhhhhh of course you can". My heart started beating faster and faster and faster. My hands were shaking and I could barely breathe. I was just so excited that he sat next to me. "RIIINNNNGGGGG" , "thats the school bell guys" said mr jones.  "Naomi I hope we have a good day today Miss" laughed Mr jones. I just nodded my head , I didnt really care about first period because Mr jones is an ass. "Excuse me class we have a new student today" shouted mr jones. Then the really cute guy next to me got up and stood in front of the class."uh hey guys im troy , im from miami and im 17". I quickly thought to my self " 17 yay , im 16 this should work perfectly" but then I remembered trent , " I cant do that to trent" I cried.  Then troy came and sat down at his seat next to me. He looked at me an asked "hey whats your name" , "im Naomi" I smiled. Then he quickly got a piece of paper out and started to writing. I just continued reading my book. Then he whispered "here naomi" and he passed me the paper. I opened it and it said ' Dear Naomi , your really beautiful but you look taken already until your single I shall wait for you and while im waiting we can get to know each other , Sincerely Troy. Then suddenly the speaker came on  , "all teachers report to the staff room , thank you " said an annoying little voice. Troy grabbed my hand and was holding it , "Naomi can I tell you a secret" he asked. "Oh course" I turned my head closer to his and waited for him. He whispered in my ear "lunch me , you" and he kissed me on the cheek and smiled. I blew a kiss back at him and he caught it and put it on his cheek. I smiled and giggled. But then I got a phone call "hello" , "are you having fun with troy HUH". I dropped my phone, it was trent. He is gonna kill me I quickly got my stuff and chucked them in my bag and ran out of the classroom. I ran and hid in one of the girls stalls in the bathroom. I went really quiet just in case he could hear me. THEN SUDDENLY MY DOOR SWUNG  OPEN. It was trent , "come here you little" then he pulled me towards him and started punching me. "Please stop , please" I cried.  "HELP , HELP ME" I SCREAMED.  He punched me in my stomach and I coughed out blood. He kept punching and kicking me , I coughed out more blood. I was laying on the ground in a pool of a blood. He spat on me and bent down "next time I see you flirting with any boys again , YOUR DEAD!" he yelled. I was so scared because it look  like he ment it. I started crying and crying , it felt good when I was in class troy was the first nice person I have meet so far, and now I cant talk to him because of trent. I hate trent  so much I wish I never met trent.i picked my self up off the ground and just got my self out of there. Instead of going home where my dad is I walked 2 hours just to  get to my nans place. I knocked softly on the door and collapsed on her porch. "Naomi , darling AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed. "Who done this to you" she cried , "tr-tr-trent" I said as I coughed out some blood. I tried to stand back up but my nan told me just to relax."its not fair they pick on you , sweetie" says nan softly and a single tear runs down  her face and falls onto my head.

The girl that hides behind her smileWhere stories live. Discover now