I knew I wanted to go because it could be fun and I enjoyed playing guitar today. Hopefully, Rosa and Victor won't have any problem with me going.


When I got home, I was happy to see that Rosa was already home so I wouldn't have to wait to talk to her. She was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner for the night, but I figured now was as good of a time as any.

I knocked on the door frame of the kitchen, attempting to gather Rosa's attention. "Rosa, can ask you something?"

"Oh, Hey, Billy. How was school?" Rosa said, greeting me with a smile.

"It was good," I replied.

"That's good. Now, what did you want to ask me?" She said as she washed her hands and then drying them.

"Well today we were learning how to play guitar from this instructor," I began as I pulled out my wallet and dug out Bowies card, "And he wanted me to go to a lesson."

I handed Rosa the card and allowed her to read it.

"If that's okay with you?" I asked awkwardly. Rosa continued to study the card as she read it up and down and even flipped it over, making sure there was no more information on the back. Once done reading, she gave me her patented, a warm smile. "I don't see why not sounds like fun."

I could barely keep my excitement that Rosa said yes. I was so excited I quickly thanked her and began rushing out the door before Rosa stopped me.

"Wait, Billy, do you want me to drive you? It's freezing outside," Rosa asked gently.

"Uhhh, sure that would be fine," I said blushing from embarrassment. Rosa smiled at me and asked a hang on a second so she could grab her keys.


"Wow, you're really good! And you're not lying when you said this is your first time?" Bowie asked me.

I nodded and couldn't help but blush and smile. "Thanks."

"I'm serious when I say this, I've never seen someone pick up cords this quickly," Bowie said, smiling.

I was blushing again, and I felt some sort of pride that he was congratulating me for learning something as simple as a few guitar chords. I've never had someone compliment me like this, and the feeling is indescribable.

"Now, Billy if you want we can do this regularly if you're interested I have the time," Bowie explained.

I thought it over briefly, but my mind was already made up, "Sure, I would like that."

"Good, same time, tomorrow?" Bowie asked.

"Yeah, same time tomorrow," I replied.

I then heard a honk of a car horn, meaning Rosa was here to pick me up.

"That would be my Foster Mom I've got to go," I admitted.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow," Bowie replied.

"Okay, but before I go, where should I put your guitar," I asked glancing around for a spot.

"Keep it you'll need something to practice with when you're not here," Bowie said casually.

I stopped in my tracks, surprised at what he just told me, "Wait, you're giving me your guitar?"

"Yep, that's what I said," Bowie said, trying to hide the smirk he held.

I was speechless people like me don't get breaks like this.

"Thank you, thank you so much," I sputtered unable to contain my excitement.

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