Window | markhyuck

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A/n: I wrote this while being emotionally single and wishing I had a boyfriend to comfort me, when my parents make me cry. But it's fine.


Mark was deep into his slumber when his window slid open.

The slim figure making sure to stay as quiet as possible. Entering the room without a problem.

He could have gone unnoticed, had it not been for the chill of the air he let in before closing it behind him.

MK: Hyuck.

Mark's voice was raspy. Throat dry from sleeping.

HC: yeah.

Donghyuck made sure to keep his voice low, (as usual) to prevent waking up Mark's parents (they're nice people.. only after 7 in the morning).

Mark doesn't really say anything else, he just makes room (as usual) for Donghyuck to slip into bed next to him.

Donghyuck making sure to take off his shoes by the window, making a quick dash to the soft warm bed.

Mark made sure to pull the blanket over the both of them, as cold limbs made contact with him.

MK: why didn't you slip on a jacket if you were going to sneak out this late?

Donghyuck ignored the nagging remark, in favor of shifting closer.

HC: cuddle me.

Mark doesn't fight it. Why would he?

The sheets make a slight sound, as he wraps his arms around Donghyuck.

Donghyuck sighing into a smile as he wraps his arms around Mark's shoulders. The left side of his face pressed lightly against Mark's.

It's a slightly uncomfortable position considering they're laying down, but who cares about blood circulation when it comes to your left arm? Mark sure as hell doesn't.

HC: sorry.

Mark doesn't need an apology. He hasn't been wrong in anyway.

MK: you don't need to apologize to me.

HC: are you sure? it's really late this time.

Yeah.. maybe it's a quarter past three, right now.

MK: i'm sure. don't ever hesitate to come to me.

Mark doesn't miss the slight tightness he feels from Donghyuck's grip.

HC: thanks, mark.

The "thanks" isn't necessary.

MK: no problem.

Mark's embrace has always been Donghyuck's safe place.

HC: goodnight, mark.

MK: goodnight, hyuck.


Donghyuck hasn't always had Mark  by his side.

They had met when they were nearing their teens. Eleven year old Donghyuck, thought twelve year old Mark (fresh from Vancouver) was cool. They became friends, even though Mark found Donghyuck kind of annoying.("Jeno, guess what? Mark has like fifty mirror selfies on his mom's phone.")

Donghyuck's always known he's a handful, and he's very grateful Mark wasn't mean enough to dump his friendship, especially when Mark got to high school. It's just a year age difference, but Mark's always had a head start and it was always Donghyuck who had to try and catchup (Mark didn't mind waiting for him though, every Friday by the school gate, ready to go hangout).

Having Mark's house to hangout in is amazing and all (mostly because Mark's room is twice the size of Donghyuck's room), but it's also his escape. The one place where school pressures and family discords can't find him.

Donghyuck started sneaking in through Mark's window somewhere in between sophomore year. Having had a fight with his dad one night, after bleaching his hair and dying it an orange-ish color. Back then, Mark was so grumpy for being awoken from his slumber shortly past eleven that night, but he still opened his window to let him in (and gave him a spot on his bed). Needless to say, it's become a routine.


Mark's face scrunches up as he feels the light coming in from the window. Realizing, Donghyuck must have forgotten to close the curtains last night.

But, it's fine because the light is hitting Donghyuck's sleeping face so perfectly, it takes Mark's breath away.

And like always he runs his fingers through his fluffy messy silver hair (oh, so he dyed it again).

Honestly, to Mark at least, Donghyuck looks great in any color. His parents however, don't think so. His parents don't want Donghyuck to stand out, they don't like the hair dye, they don't like the make up (it's not even noticeable, Donghyuck just likes to cover his [non-existing] imperfections), the don't like his earrings (they literally flipped out and they were actually clip on's. A minor can't get their ears pierced without an adults permission and he doesn't want an ear infection, so he'll just wait), and worse thing is.. they don't even give a shit to remember Mark's name.

Donghyuck shifted and Mark stopped. His hand still in his hair.

Donghyuck whined.

HC: pet me.

Mark laughed.

MK: what are you a puppy?

Donghyuck whined again as he looked up while he scrunched his nose (looking so adorable).

HC: no, i'm your boyfriend. now pet me.

Donghyuck snuggled closer and Mark continued to run his fingers through his hair.

It's been 2 months since they started dating and Mark serious can't get over the fact that Donghyuck's his boyfriend. The fact that Donghyuck felt the same way is still new too him. All those years of Mark pinning after his best friend, finally confessing, and getting an "You dumbass. I feel the same way!"

Mark's just so happy.

MK: i love you.

HC: i love you too. now let's go brush our teeth so we can kiss.

MK: ok.

They both dashed out of bed and into Mark's bathroom.

Needless to say, they kissed and cuddled on Mark's bed till noon.

The window is always open for Donghyuck, just like Mark's arms.

HC: You know you should really stop leaving your window unlocked. What if a murderer comes in through there. Gosh, Mark. Please think about your safety.

MK: You literally didn't talk to me for 2 weeks just because my window was locked that one time I was dead asleep after finals.

HC: You literally left me to freeze out there.

MK: You had the house key.

HC: But coming in through the window is way cooler then some door.

The bickering is an every day thing, but no worries, they love each other.


A/n: welp. There it is. Ok, well I tried.
Bye 💚

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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