Ignite (Volga x Link)

Start from the beginning


Link approached the Western Sanctum in no time, fighting off the advancing Darknut knights as he encountered them. Lana's eyes brightened as she watched his approach from within the keep's sturdy walls. "You made it back! I was starting to worry Volga was leading you to an ambush.."

Link shook his head as Proxi fluttered out from under his hat. "Link's just fine! Nothing is too tough for him! But Lana, before Volga left, he told us that Cia was hiding at the Summit of the valley.. Link was wondering if you could sense the Gate of Souls there?"

"Wait.. Volga just, told you where to look? That's odd.. But I do feel a strong presence to the North. It has to be Cia!"

Link mulled his options over in his head. He could go to the summit and either be tricked, or he could find Cia and stop her. He had the boomerang, so the vines would no longer be a problem but.. What if this was just what Volga wanted to happen?

"I'll go. Worst case scenario I have to capture the summit to escape, right?" Link spoke, trying to make light of the situation.

Lana's eyes were full of worry, but she knew Link could handle himself. "Alright, I'll head South back towards the base. Sheik is still defending the East, and Impa will be back any second the cover the West. That leaves the North to you but.." Lana placed her hand gently on his shoulder, "If things get bad.. Dont hesitate to call for help, we'll be there in a heartbeat."

Link nodded before turning to leave, mentally plotting his course for the bridge in the east.


Cia seemed startled as the approaching footsteps came to a stop behind her. "Its rude to keep a woman waiting you know." Cia spoke as she turned to face the blonde. She kept her staff firm in her hand as she took leisurely steps towards him. "I must say I am impressed you made it up here in one piece... It really is too bad you wont stay that way for long."

Link just barely dodged the dark orb that came flying from the tip of her staff. He wasnt very keen on fighting a woman, but she did start this war after all.

"I have had just about enough of you all trying to stop me from taking what I want. Once I rid this world of you pests nothing will stand in my way!"

Cia's assault was merciless. She sent orb after orb of dark magic hurtling towards the hero, leaving him no room to dodge the flayed end of her staff when she used it as a whip. Things werent looking too good for Link, who was now stuck pinned beneath her foot.

"You should have left while you had the chance, Link. It's a shame to have to destroy such a fine boy like yourself."

The dark sorceress brought her staff up, causing Link to shut his eyes tightly as he waited for the blow to fall. He felt the pressure from Cia's foot lift off his chest as she cried out in pain. "You little traitor! What do you think yours doing!?"

When Link opened his eyes he was met by the sight of none other than Volga, standing between Cia and his own beaten form on the ground.

"Only a coward would strike their opponent when they're unable to defend themself. If you must fight, at least make it a fair one."

Cia gripped her arm and winced as she felt the heated flesh. Her eyes held pure fury as she glared at the dragon knight before her. "I can't win like this.. But mark my words, this isnt the last you'll see of me!" Cia spoke as she glared at the Hylian behind him. "And you." Her voice was laced with venom as she glared at Volga. "Dont even THINK of coming back! Go crawl back into that disgusting cave I found you in!"

With that, Cia left the battlefield, securing a win for the allied forces. Link slowly staggered up to his feet, swaying slightly before feeling himself be steadied by another person.

"Why did you save me?" Link asked weakly through gritted teeth.

"A life for a life. You spared me of my death, and now I have done the same for you." Volga took in the sight of Link as he spoke, wounds littering the Hylian's smaller frame. He wouldnt make it back on his own, not like this.

"I will aid you in returning to your base.. I fear you wont make it back in your current state."

To say Link was shocked would be an understatement, but he knew that Volga was right.. He could barely keep himself standing on his own, he wouldnt be able to make it down all those stairs.. unless of course if he just let himself fall down them, but Proxi didnt seem so keen on the thought of it.

While Link had his internal argument with Proxi, he hadn't even noticed that Volga had quite literally swept him off his feet and had already made his way towards the summit's entrance.

"Thank you Volga... For helping us stop Cia, and for saving me back there... I guess we arent enemies anymore?" Link spoke hopefully.

Volga didnt answer for what felt like eternity, leaving Link to feel more anxious with each passing second.

"I suppose we aren't..."

Link let a small smile break out across his face as he relaxed into Volga's arms. Volga smirked himself as he felt the Hylian's tension dissipate.

"For now, at least."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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