Ignite (Volga x Link)

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Requested by wolfwithredeyes a while ago BUT I finally did it. We back with one more Volink oneshot.. what can I say? I love these two!

The months long battle against Cia and her army has brought the Allied troops deep into the Valley of Seers. Lana's forces took up the southernmost part of the land, but Cia had many a keep within the ruins that remained, easily covering more than half of the valley itself with monsters. Impa, Sheik, Lana and Link each took off in pairs to capture two important keeps, a task that would be simple enough so long as nothing threatened the allied base while all four warriors were away. But things weren't ever that simple, and not long after Impa and Sheik split up, the ferocious dragon knight Volga had appeared on the battlefield. Impa scrambled to cover Lana as Link left her side to take his old foe on himself.

"Finally, a real challenge. I was beginning to think I'd never get the chance to settle the score with you." Volga said with a smirk as he watched the blonde hero approach.

"Link can take you no problem!" Proxi shouted while retreating under Link's hat. "You can take him, right?" She then whispered so that only Link could hear. Link said nothing as he drew his sword, focusing all of his attention on the dragon knight before him. If he was going to win, he needed to watch Volga carefully so that he might predict his next move.

~I'm bad at fight scenes so here's a timeskip, you're welcome!~

Volga kneeled before Link, once again knowing defeat at the hands of the Hylian knight. Link kept his sword pointed towards the dragon knight, keeping his guard up in case he should try to lunge.

"You've bested me in battle, and yet you refuse to deal the final blow... Why do you hesitate?" Volga spoke in a gruff voice, confusion evident in his tone.

Link was taken aback by the question. He never planned to kill the knight, he could never bring himself to do that. The air surrounding them took on an eerie silence as Volga lifted his head to stare expectantly at the hero. He had lost their battle, so why did the hero hesitate to kill him?

Link took a deep breath as he broke the fragile silence around them. "I'm not going to kill you." He spoke in his hushed voice, catching Volga completely off guard. He then sheathed he sword as he offered Volga his hand. "We only need to stop Cia before she destroys Hyrule... I dont like to fight you, Volga, but you keep getting in our way.. Cia forced you into this war, right? You don't have to keep fighting us..."

Volga stared at Link, the shock he felt at hearing the hero speak so much contained only to his eyes as he took in each word. But as he gazed towards the hand Link offered, his gaze turned to a sharp glare as he brushed it aside to stand on his own. "I do not need your pity, fairy boy." Volga turned his back on Link as he went to retrieve his spear, closing off any further invitations for conversation.

Link sighed as he watched Volga's retreating figure, he never was east to reason with.

"She's at the Summit."

"What?" Link asked, confused by the dragon knight's statement.

Volga heaved an aggravated sigh as he repeated himself. "Lady Cia, she's at the Summit."

Before Link could question him further, Volga had unleashed his wings and retreated.

"Thank goodness you drove him off!" Came Proxi's shrill voice, effectively startling Link out of his daze. "Do you think he was telling the truth? Can we really find Cia at the Summit?"

Link shrugged at Proxi's question as he made his way back to Lana. If anyone could tell where her power was coming from, it was the blue haired sorceress.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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