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We moved into the house about a month ago and i am about 2 months pregnant. Thomas has been a great baby and loves to be around people. He is always on the ground trying to move around and he should be crawling soon.


"Baby do you want some lunch?"

"Yeah ill go make some sandwiches."

"No i got it i asked you."

In this pregnancy meat hasnt really bothered me which is a surprise because with Thomas i couldnt be around it.

I brought Noah his sandwich and saw Thomas moving around.

"What is he doing baby?"

"I think he is trying to crawl."

I go and sit on the floor.

"Come on baby come to mommy."

I cooed at him. He started crawling towards me.

"Look baby he crawled for the first time!" i said in tears. I picked him up and brought him over to the couch.

"Awe baby dont cry. I know its such a big step. Soon he will be walking and talking. And then we get to see this little baby grow up."

"I know baby. I just dont want him to grow up. I just want him to stay my baby boy forever. I dont want him o leave us." I said bawling into his chest.


Oh crap. Here come the hormones. They weren't at all this bad with Thomas.

"Come on baby its ok. He wont leave us for a while. And when he does, we'll have another baby to watch grow up. Its ok."

I said rubbing her back.

"I know i just dont want to loose him. He wont live us anymore."

"Yes he will baby. He will love us so much. But he will love other things too. He will find the love of his life and love her but he will still love us. I promise."

"Okay baby." She said into my chest.

"I love you my queen."

"I love you too my king." She said kissing me on the lips.

"I cant wait for this baby to be born." I said rubbing her stomach.

"I cant either. Its making me so moody. Can you tell?"

"No not at all baby."

I said trying to keep her happy. Lord this is going to be a long pregnancy.

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