Part 1 Fizzle starts the story!

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Fizzle was flying over the Pridelands, her red, spiky hair flowing in the wind. She soon came to a stop and floating straight up. She could see far out over the horizon and behind her was Pride Rock. Fizzle was lost in the beautiful sight of her home when she heard a voice calling out to her right.

"Fizzle! I need to ask you something!" A small bird with an orange beak, and a paw print symbol on one of his wings that looked like a lion.

"Ono? What is it?" Fizzle asked, she was worried that something was happening and they needed her help.

"Kion wants to know if you're free to talk today?" Ono said.

"Hmm, well... I guess I do. Where does he want to meet?" Fizzle asked.

"He wants to meet at the Lion Guard lair." Ono said. "You just want to fly back together?" He asked.

"Sure, I don't get many chances to fly with a friend of Kion's!" Fizzle laughed as she flew at the same speed as Ono so he wouldn't have to try and keep up with her. The pair soon landed on the ground in front of the lair. They entered where the rest of the Guard was waiting.

"So Kion, heard you wanted to see me!" Fizzle said with a smile as she crossed her arms.

"Yes! Uh, Aunt Fizzle, I want to know, Dad talks that you have been on a great journey before I was born, however, he won't tell me anymore." Kion started. "And I was hoping Mom, could tell me. But she just told dme to ask you." He finished.

"I get it. You want me to tell you my journey right?" Fizzle asked as Kion nodded. "Well, to tell you the truth, it's not quite over yet, but I can tell you how my first trip to Toki Toki city went. Which I can only guess, is what Simba is referring to." Fizzle said as she walked towards a rock and sat on the top of it.

"Alright everyone, gather around and get comfy, this story will be a long one, there are places that tend to drag on, so I'll summarize when I get to those parts." Fizzle said as she collected her thoughts. As Fizzle opened her eyes she had noticed Kiara and her two friends had shown up to hear her story.

"It began one day as I was helping mother out around Pride Rock, making sure everything was in order and what not, until a bright light enveloped me and pulled me away from the pridelands. I was blinded by this light for a short while slowly being lifted into the air only to be put down shortly later. " Fizzle began.

"When the light finally disappeared I was in this really weird place, lots of weird colored circle looking things that was spinning around and a black sky. As I looked I turned to see a green serpent looking thing with glowing red eyes staring at me. He just said to me 'Farwell' before a different light enveloped him and seven orange balls with red stares floated into the sky spinning before each went into a different direction. The once black sky turned into a clear blue, then a lavender hair boy walks towards me. Myself in a confused and panicked state got ready for a fight. This boy says to me 'You're surprised I'm sure, I'll have to explain it all to you later. But first let's see how much power you have.' before screaming at me with a weapon drawn and proceed to slash at me, I lucky dodge his attacks." Fizzle said.

"I jump back to dodge his swings as he puts his sword away and we started our fight fist vs fists. This boy says to me 'Yeah, come at me anytime' he toys with me for about a minute before he spoke again saying. 'Alright that's it for the warm up time to show me your real power.' We finished our battle I'm worn out this guy was stronger than I could imagine." Fizzle said. "Sorry but my first fight was more like a moc fight if you will, nothing special and not much to say really." Fizzle said.

"Finally this boy holds his sword downward and says, 'You were chosen. Chosen by Shenron. Sorry for attack you by the way.'" Fizzle was going to say more before Bunga spoke up.

"Wait, Shenron? Who's that," Bunga asked.

"Shenron, was the serpent thing that brought me to that world, I later found out that Shenron, is a magical, immortal, wish granting dragon." Fizzle said.

"Anyways, the boy introduced himself as Trunks and he told me he was on a mission. Trunks then says to me 'As you can see this place is not the world you're familiar with.' He then tells me the place we were in is the Toki Toki world, its were the flow of time gathers. And Trunks as well as the other people there was called the Time Patrol. Trunks then starts to tell me what the Time Patrol does, whenever history is changed, they would fight to restore history to how it should be. He also said we would fight against and with legendary fighters and face dangerous forces, he asked if I wanted to join, but then he said he should explain things first." Fizzle said allowing a small break to let them process what she said.

"Finally Trunks told me to talk with the other Time Patrols to get an understanding of what they do. I did this and decided to help under one thing, after I help restore history, I want to head back to my world, he agreed and decided to show me to the place where he works." Fizzle said.

"Trunks brought me to a place with a giant Tree growing out of a building with lots of grasslands and stone walkways, he called it the Time Nest. He said the Supreme Kai of Time lived and worked in the Time Nest. The building with the Tree in it was called the Time Vault it contained some very important texts." Fizzle said.

"Apparently Trunks had something for me to take care of, so the two of us walked into the building, he shows me the scroll of eternity, A change has happened to history as the scroll was glowing purple and black. As Trunks and I looked a scene played out. Someone with long, spikey, black hair was being held back by a man in orange with black spikey hair, as a green thing fired a beam towards him called Special Beam Cannon. However the long hair person breaks free as the beam hits the man in orange. He then fires a blast that kills the green guy, then the long haired man starts laughing maniacally as he glowed with the same colors of the scroll while his eyes turned pure red." Fizzle said as they all were invested to hear what she had to say.

"For you see, if history is altered or changed in any way it could change our world, so Trunks told me that and handed me the scroll, I take it and travel back in time to add those warriors in need. Now to tell you the names of those three. The long haired man is named Raditz, the man in orange is Goku, those two is an alien race called Saiyans, and the green guy is named Piccolo he two is an alien, he is a namekian." Fizzle said.

"When I get there Goku is on the ground as Raditz as him pinned and he dodges an attack from a young boy, this boy is named Gohan, Goku's son. I manage to save him in time and lay him away from the fight we were about to have. As I'm walking over I hear Piccolo say 'Someone you know, Goku?' Goku looks to me and says no while laughing but he said 'I'm pretty sure it's some one we can trust.'"Fizzle said.

"Raditz fires a move at his however, me, Piccolo, and Goku all manage to jump out of the way and float in the air as Raditz soon joins us, I hear Trunks telling me that he'll support me in the Time Nest, I need to help Goku beat Raditz so he and Piccolo could finish him off. After about ten minutes of fighting Raditz, him begging Goku to let me go, however he called Goku by his true name, Kakarot. Finally as Raditz kicks me away while grabbing his chest Goku manages to hold him still and Piccolo was able to kill him and Goku. Goku died just to make sure Raditz would die as well. Raditz's last words as he died was 'D-damn it!' while Goku just laughed." Fizzle said.

"When I got back Trunks thanked me for my hard work, and the scroll had returned to normal, however the Supreme Kai of Time still needed to put it into the scroll after that it'll all be done. I spoke about my worry over Goku, I asked 'Hey, Trunks, was Goku supposed to die there? I hope I didn't make him complete the circle of life early.' I said Trunks looks to me and told me not to worry as he was revived with the Dragon Balls. Those being to balls that brought me into this world." Fizzle said.

"I was confused but didn't put much thought into it I did say 'Well, Okay Tunks I helped you put history back to normal, send me home now.' He said sorry but that scroll wasn't the only one with a history change and told me to talk to him whenever I was ready and to take my time." Fizzle said as she noticed the sun was beginning to sit.

"Oh, wow, looks like it's getting late, sorry but I'll cut it here for now." Fizzle said as they started to protest.

"What! Come on Fizzle! It was starting to get good!" One of Kiara's friends said.

"Aunt Fizzle, I want to know more!" Kiara said.

"Look, I'll tell you more, tomorrow alright? I have a lot to get through, so it will be a while. Just give me time alright?" Fizzle said as they all agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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