The Shivering Soldier

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You stared around the scenery with wide eyes "dad, look there's men in the water!" Peter yelled as a German plane flew over dropping a few bombs, you flinched before looking at your dad "we need to help them!" you exclaimed gripping the side of the boat. He steered the boat and you stared at the soldiers who were swimming tawards the many boats. A dirty hand reached out from the water and you immediately gripped his hand before pulling him up with the help of Peter. He was shaking all over and he backed away, pressing his back against the wood. He violently shook and you stared at him worriedly "shell shock" your father said not taking his eyes off of the sea. Your brothers helped the other soldiers who got blankets and tea. You gently covered the soldier up and looked tawards George who was holding a tea out for the man, he flinched immediately smacking the cup out of George's hand. George tensed up staring at father with wide eyes "y/n go make the poor lad another cuppa" you nodded, rushing off. You slowly walked back up the stairs, holding the cup out for the soldier "hey, soldier I've got you some tea" you said softly. He breathed heavily before looking at you, he slowly reached out and took the cup from your hands. He nodded before sipping the tea quietly, you straightened up ready to walk off but his hand gripped your t-shirt tightly. You stared at his bruised face, his eyes showed pure terror and you felt a pang of sadness "please stay" he whimpered. You nodded "of course" you said sitting down next to him, you wrapped an arm around him and he slowly got closer before his head was resting on your shoulder, you gently rubbed his back up and down. His sobs racked his body and you gripped him whispering sweet nothings into his ear "what's your name soldier?" you asked softly. He didn't reply he just gripped you tighter. "where are we goin'" he asked looking at you, tears still in his eyes "we're going to be going home soon, very soon but right now we have to continue our job here" you said Softly. "where's here?" he asked looking worried. "Dunkirk" his eyes widened and he gripped you tighter "we need to go home! I've escaped death and I can promise you I won't escape it again!" he yelled, panic evident in his voice. You held him "you're safe soldier... You're safe" he breathed deeply now gripping his hair. "I promise you're gonna get out of this" As more hours passed, day turned to night and the soldier became progressively panicked. You continued to hold him, wrapping the blanket closer to him "miss?" he asked looking at you still shivering "yeah?" you said holding his hand. "I'm noah" he said quietly "nice to meet you noah. I'm y/n" you said softly. He slowly laid his head on your shoulder "thank you" he whispered. "don't thank me, love" you replied rubbing his shoulder.

"I guess this is goodbye" noah said smiling softly at you, you chuckled. "I guess it is... Goodbye noah" you said smiling. He sighed and watched as you began to walk away "wait, y/n!" you turned around smiling softly at him "yeah?" he sighed "I'm going to find you after war has stopped and I promise you that... Seriously thank you y/n" he said. You smiled shaking your head "don't thank me... I was just saving a precious life. If you don't find me noah, I'll find you." you said, kissing his cheek softly. You waved before walking off, tears blinded your vision and you looked down only hoping you could find him someday.

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