Flower Child .

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"See ya later, babes."

"Freedom, Vibes, & 3rd Eyes!" I reply with a wink.

I walk out of Vfiles with a smile on my face. I'm 16, a fashion icon, that just got a raise. Things were finally turning around for me. A little extra cash, why not spend some?

I turn the corner into heaven. SoHo was the place to be. All of my favorite stores together is a dream come true. I walked into one of my favorite stores OPENING CEREMONY.

"Yo Violet!" I yell in a singsong voice.

"My favorite Martian. Wassup Indigo?!"

A slim girl with black hair and a gold septum ring approaches me after assisting a customer. We do our handshake a bust out laughing like we did everyday since we were 12.

"What brings you here, darling?" She says in a horrible British accent.

"I'm here to pick up my custom MOSCHINO dress. I thought Jeremy dropped it here himself?"

"Oh yeah! You should of seen his entrance! Very dramatic." She said with wide eyes.

I laugh. "You're talking about dramatic?!"

She walks around back and appears with A colorful bag and flowers. In the midst of all the flowers I spot a card that is marked Indigo in beautiful cursive, a handwriting that can only belong to Mr. Scott.

The card says:

- "Flower Child"


* A young person who rejects conventional society & advocates love, peace, & idealistic values .

Some flowers for my flower child .

- Love, Jeremy aka Fashion King .

I blush and Violet yanks the card out of my hand.

She scoffs. "Why so lovey-dovey all of a sudden?"

"What?" I give her a look.

"Is he your boyfriend or something?"

"Excuse me? Oh my GAWD. You know Jeremy's a little too feminine for my liking. I like to be the only girl in the relationship." I say my eyebrows rising.

"My presence is not enough to make you melt in my arms, but a damn card makes you blush. I'm jealous." She rolls her eyes and turns her back as if to shun me.

"Girl, you trippin' , I say rolling my neck. "You know you're my BFF for life, my day one, my partner in crime, my ride or die , my..."

"Alright, alright, alright I get it I'm just so irresistible and delectable , you just can't get enough, can you?" She says confidence clear in her voice.

I laugh out loud, not expecting that response. "Whatever floats yo boat, Violet. See ya."

I look at the time, wave goodbye and strut out the store waiting to see what else pops up in my day. I take another look at the card and shove it back into my pocket just in time to see Him.


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