Figuring out Feelings and New Besties

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Rydels POV (FINALLY!!)

Hi I'm a gangsta... Just kidding I'm Rydel Mary Lynch. Talk about a awesome name or should call it rossome. Dang I'm sounding like my brother... anywho I made a new bestie her name is Laura Marano she is the best and she has been dating my brother Rocky mountain lynch jkjk Rocky Mark Lynch. He always does this thing where he says "Names Lynch. Rocky Lynch." It cracks me up every time. Anyway I'm going to my room when someone drags me to their room

Ross: I need your help

Rydel: Kinda busy

Ross: No it's important. I think I like...... LOVE Laura

Rydel: Friends can wait but she's dating your brother

Ross: I know it's just the way she changed I don't know

Rydel: I'll talk to you later just keep thinking

Ross: K I always know who to talk to

Hey guys just want to say sorry for taking to long *crying* but I updated anywho swagger jagger out

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