Chapter Four

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{A/N: Hey guys, Sorry for not updating sooner. I've had a major writers block and I've had school. Again I'm sorry.... :-/ I love you my LCPs! ~Daniey xxx}

[Kelsey's P.O.V.]

Louis let me wear a pair of his sweat pants so I wouldn't just be wearing Harry's shirt. Harry and I were now sitting in his lovely black Rolls Royce. I was awkwardly fiddling with my thumbs. Harry seemed stressed and angry since breakfast. I wonder, 'what's gotten into him?' Maybe it has nothing to do with me. Maybe he just remembered something that stresses him out, I don't know. 

"Hey..............You doin' okay over there? I mean you're not talking much.... so it makes me feel like I did something wrong. Are you mad at me?" I asked. 'You just couldn't help yourself, could you? You just had to know. Yeah, pretty much.' I thought to myself.

"Oh hey. Yeah I'm alright. I don't know I just don't feel like talking. No, no, you did nothing wrong. No, 'm not mad at you." Harry explained.

"Well... you don't seem like your normal cheeky self." I replied and he shrugged. We made it to my house without further incident. 

 His phone buzzed in his pocket once we pulled up to my flat. "Oh... Um, there's this emergency with Louis. I'll be back around 5, he says that it'll take a couple of hours. 'm sorry. Well, it gives you plenty of time to pack... Again I'm sorry but I have to do this for Lou, you don't understand that if I don't... it won't end well." Harry said sadly but firmly. I gave him a confused nod as I got out of the car and entered my flat. Watching as he left rather quickly down the road.

[Harry's P.O.V.]

Just as I spend down the road Let Her Go by Passenger started playing and it made it so much harder to leave. 

"Only know you love her when you let her go. And you let her go." I sang along with the song, trying to keep myself from turning around. 'It's not like I'm leaving her forever, am I?' I thought to myself.

"Just go.... You don't need to turn around you're not leaving her forever you're just going to help Louis. Louis needs help. If I don't help him, it could end as a tragedy. I don't even know why I'm freaking out about leaving her for a couple hours. We're not even dating. Not that I want to date her..... Not that don't want to...... Oh, who am I kidding she's not even my type and she would never go out with me." I paused for a moment.

"She's just some girl I saved from drowning. No big deal. Why am I even doing all this for her. She's right I don't even know her. But... The questions is do I want to know her?" I spoke out loud to myself. As I was about half way back home to help Louis, I slammed on my brakes. I slammed my fist on the steering wheel and let out a shaky breath. "You're okay, you can do this. Be a man. Be the man." I thought out loud.

I sucked in a deep breath and continued home. 

[Louis' P.O.V. (SURPRISE!!!!)]

"Harry is that you???" I called out, as someone entered the house, through a rugged voice since I had been crying.

"Yeah, Lou. It's just me." Harry called and I heard him walking around trying to find me.

"If you're trying to find me I'm in the 2nd floor living room..." I explained, "Harry, please hurry."

"I'm comin'. I'm comin'." He called up the stairs as he took them two at a time. He took one look at me and sighed.

"C'mon Lou, you need to get over 'm. What they did to you was awful and downright rude. They shouldn't have done that to you, I'm sorry that you had to go through that. But now you need to listen to me, get over it. It's the only way you can get through this. All you need to do is get over it. And I know it will take a while, but I'm here for you Boo. We'll find you someone else that actually cares about you and would never hurt you for all the money in the world." Harry said with tears in his eyes, took a deep breath, and continued.

"I know what it feels like to leave someone behind. To be left behind. I know what it feels like to love someone with all your heart and have them just throw it away like all your love was worthless trash. I know what it feels like to feel like no one could ever love you. I just want you to know, I'm here for you. When ever you need someone to talk to you'll always have me. No matter what." Harry ended with wiping a few stray tears on his face away with his thumb.

"It's okay Harry." I said as I pulled him into a hug, rubbing circles in his back. 

"I thought I was the one who was supposed to be comforting you not vice versa." Harry said.

"We comforted each other." I smiled at him.

"Remember to suck it up and get over him, you may have loved him but he abused you. And I'm not going to allow that to happen again." He patted my back as he got up and turned towards the door. I was surprised when he turned back with wide eyes and his mouth slightly hanging open. 

"You didn't." Harry said with a gasp. I gave him a meek little nod. "WHY!?! Was he here?" Harry said through gritted teeth and I only whimpered in response. Harry let out an agitated sigh.

"H-he didn't do anything Harry. He said that he was sorry.... He didn't hit me..." I mumbled. Harry quickly checked for any bumps or bruises. He started to lift up my shirt and I smacked his hand away, saying, "You have to take me out to dinner and a movie first before you ever get any of this." I said gesturing to my whole body.

Ha sighed and gave me a look of ' You'll show me you're stomach if you know what's best for you. '  I just jumped off the couch, running away, yelling "Never!!!"

But Harry being taller than me, caught up to me fast. He grabbed my arm, spun me around and pressed my body up against the wall. "No! Leave me be, Peasant!" I shouted, struggling under his grip.

Harry quickly pulled up my shirt to reveal the large blackish-blue bruise I had on my side. "He didn't hit you, my arse!" Harry yelled storming away. 

"Harry! Stop it!" I yelled after him. He turned around with tears in his eyes.

"Wh-y?" His voice cracked.

And with that he grabbed his coat and left, slamming the door behind him and speeding down the road.

{A/N: I know I know, cliff hangers. I hate 'em too. But I just had to make it a cliff hanger because then you will all be wondering what will happen. But no worries I will update soon. If you're wondering who "he" is. then you can guess in the comments. 
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Love you all. 
Happy waiting for me to update!
~Daniey xxx}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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