The Space Between - Keira

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His name is Elliott. It's the first thing that Keira really knows or notices about him. He had intercepted her at the bar, asking for her name in exchange for his. His voice is thick and deep, a sharp and startling contrast to the voices she was used to now that she spent most of her days practicing around women.

"Why don't you join us at the table?" He asks. It's instinct when Keira looks back at her own table, at the lone girl sitting by herself. He follows her gaze, which lingers longer than it should've. "Bring your friend." He adds. 

"I'm not sure..."

"Pretty ladies such as yourselves shouldn't be alone." He really only means one of them. 


His hands are coarse against her exposed hip and he sways to the music in a smooth, controlled manner, guiding her body in the process. Keira lets him wordlessly lead her to the floor, not quite believing that she was actually encouraging this sort of behavior; she's never been much of a dancer. He's handsome, but there's something about his smile that doesn't sit quite right with her. For some unknown reason, she thinks, that's not the smile I'm going to fall in love with. His head dips low and his strong chest presses solidly against her back. She can feel his breath on her bare shoulder, on her neck, and it makes the hairs on her body rise. His aftershave embraces her as much as his arms, and it's not a scent she particularly likes, but he holds her firmly and it's a comfort she has never felt before. 

Lucy's the first to leave. She declined to join Elliott's friends, even when Keira pointed out that there were many an eligible bachelor at the table. Lucy shook her head, said that she was fine where she was, and ordered another drink. When Keira sees Lucy get up, she can't help but pull herself away from Elliott's roaming hands and eyes to follow. He chases after her, grabs her hand, and her phone. His number glows in the darkness of the club, illuminating his teeth as he says a fond goodbye, as though they were already dating. Keira returns the sentiment and disappears into the cold night. 


Lucy is a warm person, both inside and outside and even though all Keira is wearing is tube top and a red skirt that barely shields her legs from the temperature outside, she feels comfortable next to her. Her arm loops into Lucy's and she pulls herself close. With her free hand, Lucy lets out for a taxi, not an easy feat given the volume of patrons doing the same. Keira doesn't realize she's shivering until Lucy takes off her jacket and places it round her shoulders, leaving her exposed to the elements in her Man City shorts. 

"We can share." Keira says, holding half the jacket out. Lucy doesn't protest and they both take a sleeve. A taxi pulls up beside them and they both climb in, joined by the coat. Keira can tell that Lucy's not entirely there, even as she rambles on about Elliott, about how next time she'll play wingman to Lucy and find her a nice boy too.

"Or girl." She jokes, ribbing Lucy. In response, Lucy just breaks out into a laugh that, though she would forget about it through the haze of free drinks bought by other men, Keira finds a little too hollow to be real.


It's dim in her apartment when she gets home from her first date with Elliott. He kisses her goodnight, and she finds herself enjoying it more than she thought she would. A clock blazes at her, screaming the time in the dim kitchen.

Georgia's up, waiting for Leah to call. Keira sits down by her feet.

"How'd the date go?" Georgia asks, bored out of her mind from waiting.

"Good. He's a nice guy." And then, completely unsolicited, "We should find Lucy a boyfriend." Georgia absorbs the silence that follows and she inhales deeply. Keira doesn't understand what takes Georgia so long to respond.

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