Monday - July 1st

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Stupid fucking school. There are so many things I'd rather be doing right now than going to this bullshit place.

Oh, hi. Better introduce myself.

Yo, I'm Jaylen, aka, the coolest nigga on the block. You heard it here first.

And yes, I'm black, don't worry. None of that shit.

I'm really tryna find some motherfucking hope inside of my head this morning. You don't realise how bad my school is. Shooting drills all the damn time.

America is a scary place, bro. It's not fun, basically the main reason I don't get why people wanna move here.

We got shitty health care, shitty schools, shitty people. Not to mention the racism that goes on in these towns. It's awful.

I was homeschooled from 5-7, but then my mom wanted me to go "mainstream school". The idea sounded really fucking dumb, but I will admit I've learned more - and faster. And met some of the coolest niggas I ever done met in my life, so I guess I wouldn't change it for the world.

My two main best friends who I tell everything to are Rickey, the whitest man on the planet, and Jermaine, the blackest man on the planet.

See my black ass dad smashed a white ass bitches's cheeks and made me, so me Rickey and Jermaine are like this little posse.

We fit perfect, considering Rickey white as fuck, I'm lightskin as fuck, and Jermaine is chocolate as fuck. God's printer done run tf out when he made us.

I tell them two EVERYTHING and they tell me everything too, which is nice.

AND we all got girlfriends too, so we ALL getting pussied up DAILY you already know.

My girlfriend is called Ashlyn, she white, if you can't tell by her typical ass name.

Ion know how the fuck Rickey got his girl, this man ginger and looks like ice cream, but they cute together I guess. Her name is Ashley. See a pattern in the white bitches?

Last but not least, Jermaine's girlfriend is called Sasha, but she mixed tho. Ion know what the fuck her parents called her Sasha for, she latina. Well, white and latina.

Oh yeah, I'm 16, Rickey is 16 and so is Jermaine.


"YOOOOO RICKAAAAYYYYY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, causing a few people to look over to me as I walked through the school gates with my music blaring from my backpack. It was some shit trap music I put on a couple hours ago and just never turned off.

"Aye, whats good," Rickey replied, his eyebrows knotted together as he stared at his phone, furiously typing. I slammed my backpack on the ground as I took a place on top of the bench.

"Yo, you good? Looking hella sad," I laughed, slapping his back as he sighed, locking his phone.

"Yeah, me and my girl are arguing," he gave me a sad shrug as he took a bite of a banana he had resting on the table. I was just about to reply before I heard Jermaine's voice.

"JERMAINE HAS ENTERED THE CHAT!" I laughed to myself as I watched him take a seat, placing his backpack next to mine.

"Guess who clapped some motherfucking cheeks last night," he said with a proud smile as I held up my hand for a high five.

"Put it there, J," he slapped his hand across mine, the smile never leaving his face.

I saw Rickey smile slightly before grabbing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

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