Thursday - July 4th

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Me and my girlfriend broke up. I didn't get to meet her. She told me everything. Apparently she was with another guy anyway and I wasn't giving her what she wanted. She told me she deserved better.

Partly true. Partly not.

She never told me anything. How was I supposed to know how she was feeling? I tried to give her my everything but apparently it wasn't enough.

I turned up at the coffee shop we first met at. I waited for about three hours until I realised she definitely wasn't showing up so I went home.

It's safe to say I'm not in the best mood. And I gotta go to fucking school. At least it's Friday tomorrow. I can just stay in my bed and do nothing but feel sorry for myself.

I'm walking the long ass walk to school, it takes me about 20 minutes but it definitely feels longer than 20 minutes. Almost an hour, some days. There's short cuts but I don't like taking them. I got some beef with some people and running into them right now is something I wanna avoid as best as I can.


"Jaylen!" I heard Jermaine scream as he ran over to me, shoving me back and forth. I rolled my eyes, pushing him away from me.

"Not now, G," I mumbled sadly as I took a seat at the bench we always sit at, my head falling into my hands. Rickey was no where to be seen.

"You good, nigga?" I heard Jermaine ask, sounding genuinely concerned. I took a breath as I raised my head, rubbing my eyes.

"Yea, I'm cool. Me and the girl broke up," I clapped my hands together as Jermaine took a seat next to me, speechless.

"No, what the fuck? For real? Y'all not together no more?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. I shrugged my shoulders, nodding my head helplessly.

"Apparently she was seeing some other dude anyway. I waited three hours for her at Jenny's, you know the coffee shop? Where me and her first met?" I pursed my lips, trying not to think too much into it.

"Shit, man, I'm sorry, man," I felt his hand rub on my shoulder as I gave him a weak smile.

"It's alright, dude, I'll get over it. Everything happens for a reason, I guess, just gotta work past it," I tapped my fingers along the wood as he nodded.

"Yeah, I guess. Rickey will be here in a moment, he's having it out with Mr Campbell," I snorted as I shook my head, feeling my mood start to lift.

"Of course he is. What's he done now?" Jermaine made a face as he put a finger gun up to his head.

"What hasn't he done at this point? He hasn't done the assignment that was due like 7 light years ago, and he's trashed his work book with his stupid mother fucking doodles," I laughed with Jermaine as he spoke, already imagining Rickey doing all of that.

"That crazy man, he's so crazy..." I trailed off, still silently laughing to myself. I checked my watch, I had about 20 minutes to class. I got here early as fuck today.

I looked up, seeing Billie walk past me. I waved to her, trying to get her attention, but she was too focused on her phone.

"You talk to her?" Jermaine asked, pointing to Billie and me. I nodded my head, turning around to look at her again as she walked into the music block. She spent a lot of her time there.

"Yeah, sometimes. She's cool. Weird. Well, not weird, but she's hard to understand...if that makes sense," Jermaine nodded as he rubbed his hands together, looking her up and down.

"She look kinda freaky," I rolled my eyes as I slapped his arm.

"Lay off, J, she's like 15," I snorted, rubbing my hands through my hair. I mean, we were all basically 15/16, but still...

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