Kobayashi grabs him

Kobayashi:Your helping us whether you like it or not!

Y/n:My arms are scheduled to break in few minutes....I don't think I can help...

Kobayashi:I didn't care! Use your feet!

Y/n:The fact that you are suggesting that to someone with broken arms is sad...

Kobayashi:If it was anyone else I would understand but its you...

Y/n:Why can't I just pack up my stuff? That seems fair...


Y/n:My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined...

Tohru:I think you need to learn how to be more organized anyway...

Kanna:Maybe moving will give you a chance to start again...

Y/n:Why is everyone turning on me!

Tohru:Your sloppy...

Y/n:Me? You leave your loose scales everywhere! I have to clean them off my bed everyday!

He points to Kobayashi

Y/n:You leave beer cans everywhere,and even worse you throw then away instead of recycling! You monster!

He looks at Kanna

Y/n:And you...!

Kanna makes an adorable face

Y/n:I cant think of anything but I'm going to act like I said something to make myself angry at you!

Tohru:What are you getting at y/n...?

Y/n:I'm only cleaning my stuff! The reason why I was the least bit disorganized before was because it was only Kobayashi and I...but since you two moved in the whole place has gone to hell!


Y/n is laying down on the floor

He gets up and stands outside

Y/n:If there is some form of higher being out there,give me a sign, anything...

Kobayashi:Y/n we aren't done! Get in here and pack your stuff!

Y/n:I should have asked for them to strike me down...

Tohru:Are these baby y/n pictures!

Kanna:Let me see!

Y/n's eyes widen

Y/n:I thought I burned all of those with the rest of my hopes and dreams!

He runs in and sees everyone looking through them

Kobayashi:Look at that one!

Tohru:He looks so adorable!

Y/n snatches the picture

Y/n:I'd rather clean than know you guys are looking at pictures of me when I was younger...


Tohru:Can I keep some!



Tohru walks in with a different maid outfit

Y/n:Kobayashi isnt that yours?

Kobayashi:Yea but remember how bad I said I looked in it?

Y/n:I thought you looked fine...

Tohru:But it's a little small in the chest area...

Kobayashi growls

Y/n:Don't worry I appreciate all sizes and don't bring people down about their insecurities...

Tohru:What could you like about flatness?

Y/n:Well if your like Kobayashi...


Y/n:Then when your laying down I can use her chest like a table,and put plates of food and drinks on it,but if I tried that with you,all the food would fall and that would be a waste...

Kobayashi:Thanks y/n...

Y/n:But there is one thing above all...

Tohru:What is above all?


Y/n:Its about time we finished packing...

Kobayashi playfully slaps y/n back as she laughs drunkenly

Kobayashi:Yea! Thanks for actually helping! I could kiss you!

She kisses y/n's cheek

Y/n:Its a drunk kiss so you don't really mean it but I appreciate the thought...

Tohru:You arent fazed at all y/n?

Y/n:Why would I? I'm a mature young adult that can handle a bit of affection...

Tohru:What if I showed you affection?

Y/n:Your idea of affection is different from mine...

Tohru:What's wrong with me hugging you y/n?

Y/n:That wasnt the problem...

Tohru:What was it then?

Y/n:You didn't have any clothes on...

Kanna yawns

Kanna:I'm sleepy...

Y/n:Your right,its getting late...

He looks at Kobayashi and sees her passed out

Tohru has already fell asleep along with Kanna

He gets a blanket and extra pillows for them

Y/n:There...now for Kobayashi and I...

He looks around the house but doesn't find anymore pillows are blankets...

Y/n:Did they really pack all of them up? Morons...

He looks at Kobayashi shivering

Y/n sighs

Y/n:Well I guess I have no choice...

He sits down next to Kobayashi and pull her closer to him

Y/n:She'll thank me when she isnt frozen in the morning...

He drifts to sleep as Kobayashi internally smiles

Just as planned....

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now