Part 4 Duracell Bunny!

Start from the beginning

BETH: It wasn't him, i met someone else.

HANK: I knew it wouldn't last!

BETH: Thanks Uncle Hank!

HANK:  And Shaylynn tried to warn you!

BETH:  I can't hear you!

HANK: So who's the new guy?

BETH: A firefighter, you probably won't know him

HANK: A firefighter? Probably Kelly Severide!

BETH: How do you know that?

HANK: You do know he has a bit of a reputation?

BETH: Has he? Well not anymore he hasn't! (annoyed)

HANK: But i like him and he's one hell of a firefighter!

Just then Mark started banging on the bathroom door

MARK: Beth, you get out of there!

BETH: Can you come over now please? He's banging on the bathroom door

HANK: We'll be there in five!

Hank hung up

BETH:  Hanks coming over!!

MARK:  What! Why?

BETH:  I told you, i want you out of here!

Mark went to the bedroom and packed a bag. Beth found herself phoning Kelly.

KELLY:  Hey honey

BETH:  That sounds so good (crying)

KELLY: Beth, what's wrong?

BETH:  I told him!

KELLY:  Already?!

BETH:  I had to!

KELLY:  Did he hurt you?

BETH:  No, not really!

Just then Beth heard the front door slam

BETH:  He's just left the house, i need to phone my Uncle, he was going to come over

KELLY:  Phone me back

BETH:  I will

Beth phoned her Uncle to tell him that Mark had left them she called Kelly back

KELLY:  Hey!

BETH:  Wanna come over ?

KELLY:   No, not to you and Marks house

BETH:  It's my house

KELLY:  I'll meet you at the bakery, that's our place

Beth smiled

KELLY:  I can't stay here a minute longer!  Everywhere i look i can see Shay!

BETH:   Aww Kelly! I'm leaving now! I'll bring my clothes for the funeral and just stay there tonight

KELLY: So will i

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