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Hours earlier

"Hey, Mal!"

Mal hastily looked up from her phone, searching the noisy canteen for the familiar voice. That was when she noticed Ben, along with his friends, sitting at a table in the centre of the large hall.

Her boyfriend sat there, smiling and waving- waiting for her to make her way over to the table so she'd sit by him. Like she always did. Like everyone expected her to.

Still in shock from Ben's sudden call, Mal plastered a fake smile on her face and raised a hand as to wave back.

She took one last look at her phone and slid it into her pocket, purposefully leaving it on ringer just in case.

Eventually she made her way to the rowdy table at which Ben and his friends sat at, where she was met with a grin from her boyfriend and some scattered 'hey's from a few of the others.

Setting her lunch tray in the space between Ben and Uma, Mal sat down and immediately begun eating her lunch.

The deep purple haired girl absorbed herself in the almost decent school food in an attempt to avoid any need to socialise with those around the table.

Despite her attempts, Ben leant over and kissed her on the cheek. Mal jumped unconsciously at the sudden contact and, feeling uncomfortable, leant away slightly. This didn't go unnoticed by the boy beside her.

"Hey, it's just me," Ben said softly, brushing away the hair from Mal's face. And Mal shuddered.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just don't like being interrupted when I'm eating," she chuckled nervously, taking her hair back from Ben's grasp. It was a rubbish lie but her thoughts were elsewhere at the moment.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the prince replied sheepishly. He turned back to his tray, leaving Mal in peace to 'enjoy her food'.


Mal instantly put down her cutlery and pulled her phone out from her pocket. She unlocked it and began to type.

"Who's E?"


Uma was leaning over Mal's phone, watching her carefully as she typed. The olive eyed teen pulled her phone away from the other girl's watchful glance.

"Who?" Mal said, evidently nervous. All eyes at the table were on her.

"E, with the blue heart," Uma asked again. Now she'd gotten everyone interested- even Ben, who'd only been half listening before.

"Oh Evie?" The silence still awkward. "She's just a friend."

"Never met her before."

"She's a year above us- she doesn't go here anymore."

"Are we not cool enough for you, Mal?" Uma joked.

Mal laughed with a few others, only her laugh was pretend. She was still a little on edge from the events that had just occurred and decided it would be best if she quickly finished her lunch.

Once again she 'disappeared' from the dining table, invisible to everyone while they indulged in their food and laughed in their conversations.

She didn't fit in with them. She wasn't Ben's perfect girlfriend- nor was she his perfect princess. She was just one of those kids from the Isle, nothing special.

- - -
Later that evening

Keys rattled against one another noisily as the 'starter castle's', as Evie called it, front door closed and Mal shoved the clamorous set of keys back into her pocket.

Dropping her battered bag-pack by the door, she made her way into the fairly huge living room.

The room was always the same: large, luxurious and seemingly untouched though most of the time Mal spent most her time at Evie's on her sofa. And sometimes Evie would join her.

What all their time together had in common? It was all spent, secretly, at Evie's so that no one suspected that there was something going on between them.

Mal knew that Evie hated it. She loved spending time with Mal but she wanted to make their relationship exclusive- she wanted to go out on dates and spend time together outside the house. And that scared Mal, and Evie knew it scared Mal- so she'd wait.

"You forgot to knock."

"I mean, you gave me the keys to your house," Mal smirked, patting her pocket and slowly approaching Evie. "If I'm reading the signs correctly, I'd say that you want me to find my way in."

"And what makes you so sure, princess?" Evie inquired playfully, pushing away from the wall and meeting Mal in the middle.

"You. I know you miss me." And their lips met as they kissed, both of their lips curving upwards into smiles. Evie embraced Mal, rocking her lover gently through the long, drawn out kiss.

And Mal threaded her fingers through Evie's silky blue hair while her other arm hung over Evie's shoulder.

She was in heaven- a space where she felt comfortable and in love with the girl who owned the space. All alone with her, kissing her.

"Can I spend the night?" Mal asked as they broke apart. Her head found its way to the deep, blue haired girl's shoulder and Evie could feel Mal's lips gently pressing on her neck.

"You don't have to ask," Evie replied, still embracing Mal.

"I know," the purple-haired girl replied, her breath tickling Evie's neck. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Evie replied, hugging her princess tighter.

The evil queen had always imposed these insane ideals onto Evie since she was little; this idea that her life was meaningless, that she'd be worthless, without a prince. And for most of her life before Auradon she'd believed her mother and planned to pursue this strange fantasy that the evil queen selfishly forced onto her.

Instead, she'd found her happily ever after in Mal. The girl she'd grown up with on the Isle- her best friend, who she'd fallen in love with.


I miss them ;(
Still convinced they have some sort of secret relationship

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