
438 15 6

im sorry.
i understand you hating me.
i keep messaging you.
i've fooled myself into thinking that maybe you'll see it if I annoy you enough by messaging you.
remember that video of your cat that time?
he was all tangled up in my sweater that i accidentally left when we met up.
he was so lost.
it's how im feeling at the moment. im so lost without you lex.
i guess it's also what you are to me.
i just want you to come back.
but he was adorable.
he looked great in that yellow sweater.
it really matched his grey fur and his green eyes.
like your eyes.
i miss you lex.
you were the first person i could look in the eye and be honest with
you were the first person i came out to
please come back
if not for me
for my memories
i don't want to forget them
i don't want to forget you.

Read 02:31

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