Eye for an Eye

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  After everything that had happened at the ministry, a group of deatheaters were thrown back in Azkaban but escaped once more.

  It had settled down at the burrow. A summer night like any other. Clear sky, light breeze, everyone in their rooms or the living room.

Almost too calm in a way..

Seeing a flash of flames in my eye sight before it faded I stood from where I was seated on the couch.

"Lauretta?" Hermione asked confused at the look of panic in my eyes.

Hearing a pop outside I grabbed my wand and ran outside. Hearing people behind me I saw death eaters there.

Seeing one of them run off I ran off after them.

After a bit I heard people yelling and footsteps behind me.

  Running into Harry I forgot who he was for a second and held my wand at him.

Then Ginny show'd up a bit after. Hearing movement in the bushes next to us we grouped up and held out wands out.

After a second Remus and Mr.Weasley show'd up.

Hearing something roaring in the distance I looked over and saw the flames. Covering the house I had grown attached too. A second home.

"Molly.." Arthur whispered before running back.

Seeing the death eaters leave as quick as they had come it took me a second before running after the rest of them.

Like it just registered what had happened.

"Where is she?!" Someone yelled sounding panic. Fear was thick in their voice.

Seeing the group there I looked around and saw Cedric running his fingers through his hair frantically.

"Ced." I say running over to him.

He looked over at me and fear faded from his eyes. Picking me up in a hug once I reached him he hugged me tightly.

"I thought I lost you...don't run off like that." He whispered in my ear.

"You're not getting rid of me anytime soon." I tell him hugging back just as tight.

  After a bit he let me go and went to help extinguish the fire.

Seeing Harry looking at the fire in shock still, I headed over to him.

"They got this. Thankfully it hasn't absorbed the whole house. Just the top side." I tell him smiling in encouragement.

He nodded slowly, taking my words in.

After the fire was put out we immediately got to work patching the hole in the roof up.

Walking into the house I sighed and sat down.

"You knew that was going to happen didn't you?" Hermione asked sitting next to me.

"Not exactly. No." I tell her shifting in my spot.

She cocked her head to the side slightly. "I saw flames but didn't know where from...so I guess I knew there was a fire. But didn't know when and where it would happen." I tell her doing my best to explain it.

She looked even more confused at that. "I'm not like  every other seer. I don't exactly know when something's going to happen but I do know what's going to exactly happen.." I say before standing up.

"I better head home." I said picking my bag up.

"So soon?" She questioned me.

"With everything that's happened, I think it's best." I say taking my wand from my pocket slot.

"Tell Harry not to mope. I'll see you lot at the platform." I tell her before apparating too Cedric and I's home.

Hearing something move from upstairs I slowly set my bag down before walking up the stairs.

"Winkie?" I ask seeing the little house-elf pacing the room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"M-madam Potter.." She stuttered seeing me.

"Diggory." I corrected before shaking my head.

"Wheres Astoria? I thought we assigned you to watch her?" I ask trying to keep my cool.

"They came so fast. There was no time to register! All I saw was them grab her before they vanished." Winkie said beginning to cry.

"It's okay. I'll get her back." I tell winkie.

"T-they l-l-le-left a n-no-note." She said still histarical.

Handing me the note I read it over. "Astorias freedom for my captivity..." I trailed off sitting down.

There was no hesitation. I would give my life for her any day. But she wouldn't want that. She would want me to stay here and be safe.

But either way there was a risk of being taken if I got on the train.

"He's going to kill me..." I whisper reading the address.

Standing up I couldn't help but pace back and forth.

"Winkie...I have a request." I tell her.

"You'll need the help of kreacher and dobby. Along with boo if possible." I tell her.

She looked at me before nodded.

Explaining what I needed her too do she nodded in understanding.

"Now. Take me to Malfoy manner." I say holding my hand out.

Heasitant she took it and we apparated to the entrance of Malfoy Manner.

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