Chapter 12 So It Begins

Start from the beginning

"No one got hurt," David said.

"The next time won't be so easy, hopefully we got enough gold really help the rebellion. We can hit the silver caravan and then the gold a few more times. That will get everyone's attention and deplete the empire's coffers."

"They will be unable to pay their thugs.What next?"

"We raid and burn the magistrates mansion in Houston-Whittier late November early December."

"That will bring the entire imperial army south on the train."

"It sure will."


Eulia stood at the stern of the ten foot pirogue using the long pole to propel craft. "These short dresses are fantastic, the hem is just above my knee and free of the water and mud. And those long dresses we would get wet and muddy and were hot in this damp heat."

"I agree, and I don't miss the petticoats," Phoebe said from the bow as she retrieved one of the more than a dozen traps they had set, "This one has a ton of crawdads," She emptied the trap in the large canvas bucket they had in the middle of the boat. Their butterfly dragons were flying about making their begging sounds. Eulia and Phoebe gave a large crayfish to each of the little dragons. "They always seem hungry."

"Mari and Boo have been gone two days now," Eulia said. "Mari mentioned that she's been visiting the other dragons again."

"How do you think our boyfriends would react to our scandalous short skirts? Are you ever wear your new rubber clad boots?"

"You're always barefoot yourself, Fee. I will wear them if I need to walk in the grassy shallows or murky water. I've yet to see a snake. We could always go to the village and prance around in our short skirt and see how everyone would react, That would be fun. I think our lack of undergarments will really focus their attention." Phoebe laughed in response.

"They would notice that. But it's hot in the swamp and we're working hard."

"You're right Fee, besides I like the freedom of movement dressed like this have."

"I was not well liked in the village, Euly. Except for a few cousins, you were my only friend. Very few people would talk to me."

"Indentured servants are shunned too, but you were nice to me," Eulia smiled with mischief, "I let you do all the talking and you had a handsome brother for me to flirt with." Phoebe laughed in response.

"I was really afraid you would be hurt by the busy bodies in the village. It was obvious you had feelings for Jake. A few cruel comments would have destroyed your budding romance."

"Living on a farm and not in the village has always been a good thing. Kept me out of the gossips watch."

"I think that was the last trap for today. Agnes said our dragons should be big enough to fly in another week, were should we go?"

"We should drop in on the covens then lets find the rebel encampment. We could surprise Jake and David."

"Think Jo would like to visit our island and come when we drop in on the men? Jake has several handsome cousins," Phoebe asked.

"Which cousin would make a good match?" Eulia asked.

"Jeremy, he's always been my favorite."

"They would make a cute couple."

"Do you think we can get Jo to go with us?"

"Won't hurt to ask. What's Agnes and Becky doing?"

"They have the other pirogue and are harvesting wild rice again. We get to do some winnowing later today." Eulia and Phoebe got back to camp and working together carried the large bucket of crayfish to a shady area just outside the kitchen. Rebecca was spreading the green wild rice on a large piece of canvas in the sun to dry.

"I got a whole boat full of rice all by myself," Rebecca said proudly.

"Becky's a real pro at rice knocking," Agnes said. She had a large copper kettle on the fire and was parching some of the rice. "Once this bunch has cooled you two can do some winnowing. I'll start dinner. How were the crawdads?"

"We have more than enough, I'm tired of salt pork. Crawdads will be a nice change," Eulia said. "Are you going to play your drum as we dance on the rice Fee dear,"

"Only if you sing, Euly dear."

"I want to dance on the rice too!" Rebecca declared.

"You'll get sore feet," Agnes said softly.

"Euly's feet don't get sore!"

"I've got tough old feet from running barefoot for years," Eulia said, then laughing, "you can join us but stop if you feet get sore. OK?"

They had a old canvas tarp on the ground covering several shallow holes in the dirt. They poured the parched rice on the canvas making sure it was centered in the hollows made by the holes. They stood barefoot on the canvas and Phoebe started a rhythm on the drum and both started their threshing song. They danced on the rice twisting their feet as it made contact with the rice. Rebecca kept up with them for much longer then they had thought she would before declaring her feet were sore. Then they put some of the rice on a wide shallow tightly weaved wicker baskets and began tossing it.

"Keep your back to the wind Becky," Eulia said, "so the chaff don't get in your eyes." When they finished they had a large amount of wild rice to put in storage. Eulia and Phoebe sat on the ground rubbing their feet. "Next time we go to town I'm buying leather so I can make threshing slippers."

"Excellent idea," Phoebe declared.

"Dinner's ready," Agnes called.

"Do I smell apple pie?" Eulia said happily.

"You sure do," Agnes declared. "There are a few ancient apple trees on the island."

"I love camping," Rebecca said as she helped herself to wild rice, crayfish and small red potatoes.

"Tomorrow I want to get some oranges," Eulia declared, "the naval oranges should be ready. I worked hard in that orchard and I'm going to take a share of the harvest."

"I'm coming too," Phoebe declared.

"Me too."

"Not this time Becky," Eulia said, "I'm not sure how heavily the trees are guarded."

"Bring your gun," Agnes said. "And be careful."

"Which gun should we bring Euly?"

"The short carbine. We can wear it over our shoulder and carries fifteen rounds."

"Boots?" Agnes asked. Phoebe and Eulia laughed.

"Never!" Eulia said. "We can each bring a couple of burlap bags and get as many that oranges that will fit."

"If this works we can make several trips." Phoebe said.

"I mixed up a new batch of mosquito repellent," Agnes said, "so go ahead and use it liberally."

"It's our new scent," Eulia teased, "perfume by Agnes."

"It really works," Fee said, "Boo demanded some too."

"That explains why my last batch went so fast."

"When can we go home," Rebecca said.

"We are home Becky," Eulia whispered, "Home is wherever your loved ones are."

"I love you, and Fee and Aggie," Rebecca whispered.

"And we all love you too."

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