Chapter 2

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Brandon POV

I stare at the blue haired girl. She's so beautiful wow! "Sup" I say. "H-hi" she studdered while playing with the rings on her finger again. "I'm Brandon but my friends call me que or seven" I say making eye contact with her. "Billie" she says lightly shaking my hand. "You guys want anything to drink?" Billie shakes her head no. "No thank you I don't drink" she said looking at Alex. "If you could get me some more Taylor Port that would be nice ma'am." Alex rolled her eyes taking Zoe's hand, and snatching the cup from my hand hating that I called her ma'am. I chuckled watching her and Zoe walk away leaving me and Billie standing there alone. I watched Billie as she started playing with the rings on her fingers again.

Billies POV

As Alex and Zoe left me and Brandon standing there alone, I got nervous. I don't know why but something about him makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I'm hardly ever nervous. "Hey are you okay?" He asked taking me out of my thoughts. Y-yeah I'm uh- I'm fine." I stuttered out. "You sure, you sound pretty nervous" he says I just look down in embarrassment that it's obvious that I'm nervous. "Is it because of me" he asked. I look up at him to see him smerking. Damn hes so hot. "Mmhm suuure, if that's what you want it to be" I say with a sarcastic tone. "Ooh a girl with sarcasm, I like." He said winking at me. I bit my lip looking down not wanting him to see.

2 1/2 hours later
Brandon and I sat on one of the couches that were in the room.  We talked and joked around for about and hour or so. "Yo where the fuck Alex and Zoe at with my drink?" He said looking around for them. "RIGHT HERE HOE!" Both me and Brandon turn around seeing Zoe and Alex waking twords us. I chuckle when I see Brandon roll his eyes and Alex. "Finally" he says taking a sip of his drink."Bet you two where up there fucking." Brandon says squinting his eyes at them and pointing upstairs. Me and Brandon burst out laughing when we see both of their faces go red out of embarrassment. "Shut up" Zoe says blushing. "Anyways" Zoe says changing the subject. "Y'all wanna play a game?" I start to get anxious at the question Zoe asked. 'A game' can turn into something unexpected real quick. "Yuh sure, what's the game?" Brandon says. "7mins in heaven" Alex says. "Sure" I said.

Brandon's POV

We all put our names on a pice of paper and put the paper in a bowl and mixed it around. We went a few rounds. Zoe picked my name. So we went in the room and just talked. It was soon Billies turn and for some reason I got nervous. When she pulled out the name she looked at it with big eyes.
So yeaaaah. Second chapter and I feel like these chapters are short. Should I or should I not do smut in the next chapter???

I NEED IDEAS ~ my ugly ass Maya ❤️

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