A Dangerous Game

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Chapter 2 - A Dangerous Game

[Y/N  POV]

I could feel my clothes that were once wet, but now frozen to my skin. I couldn't help but shiver as the ice rubbed against me with every step I took. As I got closer to the generator that I saw before I could hear some noise coming from behind it.

I slowly crept my way up to it trying to see what the source of the noise could be. Once I was about 10 feet away a figure popped up from behind the generator causing my heart to skip a beat. I let out a small yelp at the jump scare and the man instantly put his index finger over his mouth to signal me to be quiet.

Now that I could see him better I took a good look at the man. He had long, loose, brown hair that reached down to the bottom of his neck. He had a large and quite majestic beard hanging from his face, but most notably a large scar over his left eye. He was sporting some dirty biker jeans with an old school leather jacket over his torso. All in all he looked pretty intimidating.

Y/N: "Ummmmm, who are you? And where are we?"

I spoke in a whispered tone as to not upset the scary man who wanted me to be quiet.

???: "Come here boy."

He waved a hand as to signal me to walk closer, but instead I took a slight step back.

I don't even know this dude and quite frankly he scares me!

???: "Look, my names Jeff. I don't know where we are, or what's going on but there's a murder here."

Yeah by the looks of it, it's you!

Y/N: "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Before he even had a chance to respond I heard a woman's distant scream as four dark spider legs came down from the clouds silencing the screams.

Y/N: "You know what? Ignore that question, what do you need me to do?"

Jeff smirked before talking and bent back down to the generator's level.

Jeff: "Okay, so there looks to be two gates that are both closed. These generators all seemed to be linked to them so I think if we activate all of them the gates should open. I also saw a hatch of some sort in the ground but it was locked."

This whole thing sounds an awful lot like a game I used to play. I think it was called "Deceased By Dawn" or something like that!

Y/N: "Okay that makes sense but I've never repaired a generator before."

Jeff: "It's okay its not that hard, I'll show you."

Before long I was quickly repairing the generator with my new comrade, Jeff. After only 30 seconds of work three out of the four cylinders were pumping at max speed. The last one starts to move slowly but surely, until Jeff stops.

I look to my right to see what he is looking at. My gaze meets a man standing only 7 feet away from us with a knife in his right hand. He was wearing a worn down mask with a smiley face painted over with blood.

Wow, that's pretty edgy.

Jeff: "Run! Find the other generators and meet up at the main house after!"

With that we both ran in different directions. The killer happened to chase after Jeff so I was in the clear, for now at least. I ran, keeping close to the walls that locked us in, until I saw another generator.

As I began to work I heard another scream as the spider legs came down once again, in a different place this time. It was another girl who screamed, letting me now that Jeff was still okay. Or at least he wasn't killed by the spider legs.

Innocence (Male Reader x Dead By Daylight)Where stories live. Discover now