Life or Death (P2)

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"He loved me, in the same way I loved him." Daenerys confidently assured Jorah, still considering that her point of view was correct. I remember that perfectly well, we had a scorching love, which helped me to be what I am today...

"Forgive me my daughter, but you did not love him, and he did not love you. Rape is not by any mean, a source of love." Jorah eagerly tried once again to resemble her the succeeded. After Jon, Daenerys only believed that the only person capable of healing her wounds was Drogo. But Drogo...he promised me...

"How can you be so certain about that?" Daenerys indignantly asked, and released herself from Jorah. A unfriendly gaze was formed inside her violet eyes. He knows more about the men I loved than I do.

"How did your relationship with Drogo begin if I may ask?" Jorah's question, revolted her mind. She was hardly trying to remember it as a pleasant experience, but only pain, after pain surged. Maybe Jorah is right...yet I didn't know what love was...maybe that was necessary. It was necessary to be raped?! She was slowly attaining her mind to the violent reality...

"It was slightly harsh for me, but it was needed. I did not know what love meant, and he showed it to me." Daenerys argued severely, but the hesitancy and apathy on her stirred tone, proved Jorah he was right. It was on a cliff...and he began to undress me, while I was crying...why I am lying, I did not enjoy it. Unfortunately, I know how loves feels like, and Drogo isn't the man I use for that comparison, as hard as this may cost my mind to admit, it was the wolf, who really touched my heart...

Jorah inched closer to her, and kissed her on the forehead"I wasn't there with you at that moment, but I can still remember your face, a sight that no man should have to contemplate in their lives. The scarred tears your face bared for days, the agony your voice used to tremble with, the fear your little heart used to carry, the suicidal thoughts, your mind was constantly wondering as the best way out...That wasn't love my daughter, that was an unconditional way your mind found to spare yourself some suffering. And Drogo, Drogo...just-" he lingered frightfully. He briefly caught her curious gaze, and knew he had already spoken too much.

"Drogo did what, you don't have to be devious with me, I'm ready to hear the truth." Daenerys gently began to hold his hands.

"Please father, do not hide the truth, I'm no longer a little Dragon, I'm afraid I've become the Feared Dragon, after my latest actions." She amiably reassured him, and he smirked, as his dry mouth jointly with his raucous voice began to prepare the unpleasant words.

"Drogo used you as his whore, nothing else, he wanted to have children, and you my little princess were the perfect person to conceive his plans. I'm sorry for the harsh words, but this was something I couldn't avoid to talk about, you had to know the truth." Jorah's fright was then revealed, the constant delays of his speech, showed her that even the person she was calling father, was in a certain way afraid. This fear, was certainly something I created by myself, Sor Jorah has nothing to fear from me, but after King's Landing it's hard to believe in such thing. Sor Jorah is right, there were times I begged to be killed, my mind can easily forget many things, but sorrow is, without a doubt, something my mind always makes sure to remind me where I can found it. Drogo did not love me, Daario did, but I did not love him back, and then there is the wolf, who I'm uncertain if he loved me in the same way I do-did. Her heart swapped unpredictably, her mind did not want to believe it, but it had really happened. There it is, my heart fooling me once again...saying I still love him, when in reality I...she stopped, before something unexpected could find strengths to manifest his undesirable disapproval about the denial of her feelings for my wolf who is going to die screaming... She shook her head, and averted her mind away from Jon, there was still many things arousing her head, planting uncountable question upon her thoughts.

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