Chapter 2

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The first few parts will be a bit boring but don't worry. And just bear with me please.

Jack's POV
Shit! Elsa can't know what's wrong. I can't tell her. She'll probably never talk to me for the rest of my life. And as an immortal, life's pretty long. Actually the thing is that l always had a crush on Elsa. Damn, forget about crush, I love her to the heavens. That's why I've been protecting her since day 1. But I can't let her know. She'll hate me. Cause I always am unlucky when it comes to love. I always lose the people I love. First my father then my sister, I can't lose Elsa also.
I'd be a mess without her. She has kept me together after I lost my first believer, Jamie. She actually did something no one else had done before. She made Jamie believe in me again. Jamie's 18 now and he still believes in us. That's a miracle. She is a miracle. And the reason I'm worried is because of something that happened earlier this morning.

(Earlier this morning)
I had gone to meet Miss Fortune. I don't know why but I was feeling really anxious so I went to visit her. And what she said scared me like nothing had ever before.

She said ' Jack, Elsa's in trouble. I know you love her but if you're together than there can be a big problem. I saw what hasn't happened in millions of years.'
I was  confused so I asked ' What ?'
'You and Elsa are bound to be together. There's no doubt about that. But Jack, there's a problem. A child.' she replied. Now I was very confused. How is a child related to me or Elsa? Not that immortals can have children...................Wait, what?!
'You mean Elsa and I will have a child?' I asked.

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