A second tag

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1. What is your full name?

Corine Meyer. :3

2. Do you have any hobbies?

I do fabric painting, drawing if I can get it right and of course writing stories on wattpad.

3. What's your favorite song?

Absolutely love this song.

4. What's your phones home screen background?

 What's your phones home screen background?

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I know hehe 'hides away'

5. Do you have any big dreams?

Just to be successful in life and to do anything to the best of my abilities.

6. Did you sleep well last night?

Considering I didn't wake up last night. I slept very well.

7.  How many friends do you have?

I have five wonderful friends.

8. Do you like Math?

Sorry. What was the question again I didn't hear..

9. What's your favorite subject?

Back when I was in school it used to be hotel.

10. Where are you from?

A very sunny south Africa.

11. Do you like sport?

Does kung-fu count as a sport?

12. Are you healthy?

I never have to go to the doctors. So yes I'm healthy.

13. How much do you cost?

Wait what? I didn't realize that people cost money. No. Money doesn't buy happiness. As long as I have my family and my kitty I'm happy.


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14. Do you have any favorite singers?

None comes to mined

15. Do you have any siblings?

I have a younger sister and brother.

16. Can you draw?

When I want to yea.. But sometimes it doesn't work out well.

17.  How many lessons do you have on Mondays?

None. Finished school 11years who.

18. Do you have a crush?

Yes, I do have. Since I was 14 hehe.

19. Are you single or taken?

Taken. Married for a year now.

20. If you had a chance taking home a idol, who would it be?

And again I can't think of anybody. x)

Thanks for tagging me MelHatake37

Now for tagging 15 followers. :) thanks for reading guys.


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