The Revelation

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After Farrouk had revealed his feelings to Kismet,she also revealed it that she loved him too.On hearing this Farrouk hugged Kismet soo tightly that he won't let go of her.
They both went home happy and overwhelmed for the goodnews they had.
Since from there Farrouk and Kismet were seen as inlove couples and this spread like wild fire.
The form 2 class were about to write their first Justify Your Inclusion and they were preparing towards it.
During the week,Kismet was not learning at all because she was always thinking of Farrouk.
At the end,when the result was out Kismet performed badly soo Farrouk got closer to her and talked to her about her performance.
Soo Farrouk told her that when they are about to write any other exams they will not be talking to each other.Soo they both agreed on this till thier second exams was over.
Some weeks later,they vacated and went home.
During the first month after vacation,everything went on well between Farrouk and Kismet but later Farrouk stopped replying Kismet's chats.
Why is Farrouk behaving like this?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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