Chapter 1

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Disclaimer:This is a work of fiction. And is completely original. I do not own the characters. Disney and Dreamworks do.

Elsa's POV

I was sitting on the rail of my balcony waiting for my best friend. As an immortal I really have a lot of time on my hands. After all I'm not a Gaurdian. I'm a Winter Spirit. My work is like a Gaurdian but, I can skip if don't want to work. I don't have stress. I'm a helping hand to my best friend. The beloved Jack Frost.
And the moment I said his name he suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

'Jack!!!!' I yelped as he hugged me.
'Where were you?' I asked. 'I.....uh...had some work to do.' he stuttered. I knew he was lying. What was he hiding? 'Jack, please tell me the truth. I know you're lying. what's wrong?' I asked while cupping his face with my tiny hands. His skin was really warm against mine. I always loved it when we spent time together. In fact, there's something more than us just being friends. I always loved Jack. In a way more than friends, but I don't know if he likes me back. And I'm just too scared to tell him. I don't want to lose a best friend. The only person who truly understands me.
After Anna's death I had completely fallen apart. But Jack got me through it. Without Jack I have no idea what I would've done. I really do love him. And I can't lose him.

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