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Y/N pov:
"Aws? Can we stop at Target and get some hair dye?" I ask as we catch our breath, from running to his car.  "Uh sure. But hottopic has better colors." He says. I nod. "Then we'll go there. Can you dye it tonight while we watch a movie?" "Of course. Let's go!" He says, starting up his car. We drive to the mall and go up to the hot topic, looking through the huge range of hair dyes. "What color do you want?" He asks. "I want to match you." I say quietly. "Then you want this one!" He picks out a bright purple dye and takes it to the counter. "I'll pay Aws." He shakes his head. "It's okay." I roll my eyes as he pays, and we go into another store, to buy some hair bleach. Once we've finally got everything he needs, including some candy, popcorn and soda for the movie, we drive back to my place. We go inside, where everyone else is watching tv downstairs. "Hey guys!" Dallon says. I think he was more excited about us going on a date than we were. "Hey. What you watching?" "We're gonna start watching Mean Girls soon. You can join if you want." Patrick says. I'm guessing he chose the movie. "Awstens gonna dye my hair, so we'll be down in about a couple of hours." I look at Awsten and he nods. "What color?" Pete asks. "You'll have to find out. Bye then!" I say, as we both go upstairs, grabbing an old dark towel. We sit down on my bed and put on Netflix. "What do you wanna watch Aws?" He shrugs his shoulders as he gets everything ready. "Let's just be really childish and watch the Bee Movie or some shit like that?" He says. I laugh. "Whatever you say." Putting on the movie. He puts the towel on my shoulders and makes a start on bleaching my hair. I'm really nervous, but every once in a while he'll reassure me that it's ok and I feel a hundred times better. It's also kinda relaxing when he massages it into my hair.

By the time he's finished bleaching my hair, the movies almost finished. "Right. Now for the dye!" He says. I breathe in, and he chuckles. "It's gonna be fine. You'll look great. He says, turning me round to give me a quick kiss. Immediately I start to get excited about it, and he makes a start. He starts to get really childish at points, shaking me about a bit, making me laugh and become calm. "Well were done. Just need to wait for half an hour, and we can wash it out and dry it!" He says. I silently cheer and he grabs the tv remote. "Let's watch The Office." He says. I remember him telling me it's his favourite show, so I agree. We watch a couple of episodes, him mouthing along to some of the words, making me smile. Once we've watched about three episodes, we go to the bathroom to wash my hair. We go back into my room, and sit on my bed, getting out my hair dryer and starting to dry it.

"Woah. Y/N you look amazing!" He says, once my hair is completely dry. I blush. "Thanks Aws. Can we go show everyone else?" I say, practically jumping up and down with excitement. "Don't you wanna see it first?" He laughs. "Oh yeah." I jump up. "Hey not so fast." He pulls me back and puts his hands over my eyes, and leading me to the bathroom. "Ok. Three. Two. One!" He takes his hands away and I gasp. It looks amazing. "Awsten! It looks so good. I love it! Thank you!" I say, dancing about. He chuckles again. "No problem. Now wanna go show them?"  I nod, but before we leave the bathroom I pull him into a huge hug. "Thank you Aws." Kissing him as we pull away from the hug. He goes downstairs, and I hear him tell everyone to close their eyes. I walk into the room and on the count of three everyone opens their eyes, telling me how good it looks. "Well it was really all Awstens idea." I say, making him blush. "Sit! We're gonna start watching Saw now!" I hear Awsten gulp. I'm a sucker for scary movies. "It's ok Aws, it's not real." I say, teasing him slightly. He chuckles, and I go upstairs to get a blanket and our snacks. I come back and everyone's smiling at me. "Yes?" I ask, confused. "You two are too cute. Awsten was telling us about your absolute adorable date!" Patrick says. I smile at him. "It was pretty darn adorable." I say, looking directly at a very red Awsten. We sit on the couch, cuddled together, me laid on Awsten, as Brendon puts on the film. The snacks are laid out on the floor, and Awsten is playing with my hair. Every once in a while I feel him jump whenever something happens in the movie, and I rub his arm to reassure him it's ok. "Do you wanna go upstairs again?" I whisper to him. He shakes his head bravely. I roll my eyes, and kiss him, making him smile, and feel less scared. I notice Dallon looking at us and smiling, so I tell him to piss of jokingly.

When we've watched a few of the Saw movies, Awsten and I head to my room, while everyone else stays downstairs to have some drinks. "Do you want anything to eat Aws?" I ask. "Yeah. How about pizza?" He suggests. I nod and order a pizza. I go to Brendon's room to get Awsten some more pjs, and I get into mind. I take my t-shirt off and I see Awsten start blushing. "Chill Aws, I'm your girlfriend."
I say, laughing a bit. He smiles, and gets undressed too. The pizza arrives so I go get it, before we get into my bed, and start watching more of The Office. We shove the boxes onto the floor, and turn off my TV, once we've watched a couple more episodes. "Night Awsey." I say, making him giggle. "Night Jellybean." He says. I burst into fits of laughter. "Jellybean? That's adorable." I say. "Like you." He says, pulling me close to his chest. After a while, I hear soft snoring, and know he's gone to sleep. I start to drift off too, feeling calm, content and safe. What can I say. He's my dream boy

Two updates in one night. Who am I?

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