Remember Me (Part 3)

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Tessa took the job there was no reason not to, she had no family left and the hospital had long since filled her position, thankfully her old landlord had put her things into storage on the off chance someone would come forward to claim them. Steve and Sam had flown over to Washington with her to fetch her things in the Quinjet, it was weird for them to be back there as well after everything that had happened with Shield.

Tessa found it difficult to get used to being around Bucky, like someone with a phobia she was fine if she entered a room and could see exactly where he was. But if he accidentally snuck up on her, she would shake so badly she was likely to drop whatever she was holding at the time. After the 3rd consecutive smashed cup of coffee, Bucky had taken to stomping around the place announcing his presence wherever he went.

He was always very polite to her but couldn't meet her eyes when they interacted. He still denied to Steve and anyone else that asked that he remembered her, thinking it was easier for her that way. No one asked Tessa despite an overwhelming curiosity as to why she watched him so intently, when he wasn't looking.

Tony had communicated to the group en masse that it had been the Winter Soldier that had kidnapped Tessa in the first place, but it hadn't taken long for everyone to realise there was more to it than that.

A month passed uneventfully with none of the team passing through the infirmary until Bucky, Sam and Steve went out on a mission. Tessa didn't know the details, but she knew it hadn't gone as planned when Sam limped into the infirmary bleeding from a gunshot wound to his chest. He was supported by a banged up looking Steve with a bloodied Bucky bringing up the rear.

"Oh my god Sam, what the hell happened?" Tessa cried pointing Steve towards one of the beds and hurrying over with a Med trolley.

"Classified" grunted Bucky.

Tessa scowled at him her tone business-like "I'm aware of that Sargent"

She quickly ran her eye over the deep cut under his right eye, while Steve helped Sam onto the bed. "That's going to need stitches. Wait in my office I'll be with you as soon as I can"

Bucky started to argue, but she fixed him with a furious glare "Sit! That's an order" pointing to the other room.

He turned to Steve for support, who just chuckled hands in the air "In here, she's in charge. You know that, best do as you're told"

Scowling and muttering under his breath Bucky stalked over to the doorway, falling like a 10 tonne weight into the protesting chair by her desk "Super healing, remember" he jeered.

"Sit there and shut up Barnes, don't make me tell you again" Tessa shouted as she turned back to Sam "Very mature" she admonished exasperated, as she caught Sam poking his tongue out at the super soldier behind her back, he grinned sheepishly.

Getting to work quickly she established that no bones were broken, the bullet had gone all the way through, while it may hurt like hell it was pretty much just a flesh wound.

She stitched him up quickly, bandaged the wound and set him up with a blood bag to replenish what he'd lost. There was little more she could do for him at that moment in time, what he needed now was rest. Once satisfied his friend wasn't going to bleed out anytime soon and after a quick once over from Tessa, Steve excused himself to grab a shower, leaving her to deal with Bucky.

Tessa grabbed a sutures kit and entered her office, closing the door behind her so as to not disturb Sam "So going to tell me what happened or are you planning to growl at me again?"

Bucky glared at her in response, as she pulled her chair around the desk and scooted close to get a better look at his wound.

"Well someone's unhappy today" she sighed.

This was the closest they'd been to one another since the day they rescued her from Hydra. Strangely Tessa was unfazed, she'd finally gotten used to his presence, what bothered her more these days was the way he looked at her or more importantly didn't look at her. She was now convinced he remembered everything that happened and was getting angrier by the day that he hadn't said anything to her, he owed her that.

"Come here" she ordered snapping on a fresh pair of latex gloves.

Bucky's jaw clenched, but he obediently leant forward as instructed.

Gently she probed the wound with her eyes using the light on her desk, it had already begun to heal and no longer needed stitches. He flinched in pain and closed his eyes, as she gently ran her fingers along his cheekbone.

"Big baby" she whispered "I haven't even touched you"

Bucky shuddered at her touch, he was in pain alright but it wasn't because she was touching his wound, the gesture didn't go unnoticed.

"You're fine here" she snapped bitterly, shoving a wad of gauze at him "Just apply pressure until it stops bleeding"

Abruptly she moved back around her desk as far away as possible, dismissing him from her presence.

He jumped at the sudden movement, watching her warily as she scooted away, before getting heavily to his feet and opening the office door.

"You know that's not fair Bucky" she said softly, the already falling tears evident in her voice.

He stilled and turned to look at her, one hand still on the door handle. That was the first time she'd called him Bucky since she'd been here, his gaze lingered on her angry upturned face surprised.

"It's not like I've done anything wrong, where do you get off treating me that way" she huffed out.

"I don't know what you mean" he said slowly.

Tessa barked out a laugh" Don't give me that, you know exactly what I'm talking about"

Bucky shrugged and turned to leave "I know you remember Bucky, you could at least admit it you owe me that much" she said softly, as the tears continued to fall silently down her cheeks.

He paused momentarily at her words, then squaring his shoulders marched from the room without a backwards glance.

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