Part 1 The Ancient Kingdom

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       Stormbringer growled. Ever since queen Glory had placed him on the team of dragons given the task of exploring their ancestral home, the original night kingdom, he had been stuck with Crescent. From the moment he had joined the team she had been all moony eyed around him. He pushed away some debris from the door of the building he was supposed to inspect. It was one of them that had survived the two-thousand years, unoccupied by dragons. Darksight strode over to him. "Do you need some help? That door looks heavy, you may not be able to move it alone."

 "Thanks." Stormbringer said. They both leaned their sides on the crack in the door, in order to make a space big enough for dragons to enter. Stormbringer coughed. The musty air in the house clogged his throat, and made his eyes water. It was small and only had two rooms that he could see. The first was bare rock, the previous owners must have cleaned it out when they left. Because of Darkstalker, Stormbringer thought furiously, These dragons had to leave their whole lives behind.

   Darksight entered behind him. "Nice place, am I right." he chuckled. "Come on, I want to see what the back room looks like." Stormbringer replied.

     Inside the back room there were a couple of shelves but not much else. 

Darksight came in after him. "wait, whats this." he said, pointing to something in the darkest corner of the room. Stormbringer picked it up. It was a small bronze cylinder. He was getting an eerie vibe from it so he handed it to Darksight.

 "Must have had some use for these back then." he said without interest. 

Darksight turned it over in his talons, "Hey, there's this button on the bottom of it!" He pressed the button and a faint click came from inside of the cylinder. Suddenly the top popped open making Stormbringer jump back. Inside was a small scroll, perfectly preserved inside its metal casing. 

     Mindsercher, another member of the group, pushed open the door. "Mindsercher," Thought Stormbringer, "The one dragon who could make this whole situation better." He wished he could tell her how he felt, how she made him feel. His tail instinctively snaked towards hers, as if to twine around it, but he pulled away. "I shouldn't, not yet, not now." He thought to himself. 

Mindsercher gazed down at the scroll. "What is that!" She said, awestruck. "We don't know Darksight said, rolling open the scroll, "But were about to find out."

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