31 1 7

I was tagged by hellopeople1012002!!

1. Do I have a crush? No I don't.

2. Middle name? It starts with L.

3. Hight? I haven't measured in a while, but last time I did it was 5 foot six.

4. Shoe size? 8ish.

5. Eye color? Green.

6. Last time I cried? About 5 days ago.

7. Biggest fear? I honestly have no idea!

8. Last song I listened to? Some random 80s song on my dads pandora.

9. Last person I texted? Truly me, it's the only way I can figure out how to copy tag images, but my dad is the other answer.

10. Favorite app? Wattpad or google.

1. TheLazyMe01
2. adnwlajrhekaldbd
3. LettersToABoy
5. SymbioticJ
6. nowimtakenbysleep
7. icametoreadforeves
8. BlueWithASwirl
9. -trenchh

I'm running out of people I haven't tagged yet, I'll probably repeat a few next time, sorry.

TAGGED!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora