LBAAF- Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

    She recollected herself before raising her chin. "But it is Snowden's right to wear that crown. Place it where it truly belongs."

    He looked to me. "What is your will your majesty?"

    I smiled at my stepmother. "Allow my stepmother to wear the crown as I know how much she loves wearing one."

    My stepmother gasped before she backed away from the crown. Guards blocked her from retreating very far. As Lord Galian drew close, she fell to her knees. "PLEASE!" She sobbed. "I'm with child!"

    My whole body stiffened as did Jon. When she looked at him, he gulped beside me. "I bare your uncle or aunt within my womb."

    Turning to Jon, he looked sick. "Wait." I said to the room and Lord Galian stopped. "Take her to her chambers and keep her there. The people have the right to seek judgment on her, but if she is with child, it is innocent and must be cared for."

    Guards bowed before pulling my stepmother up from the floor. They took her away while I turned to Galian. "Please send word to Prince Kenith and inform him what my stepmother has told us. Make sure that the doctor sees her to confirm her condition." He bowed leaving to do as he was asked.

    My attention turned to Jon. "Are you alright?"

    He looked at me for a moment before he nodded. Then he smiled as he cupped my cheek and stepped closer. Before I could think, his lips were on mine and I felt delirious with joy because of him. I could feel that he was relieved that my stepmother didn't get her way. That she was thwarted in her plan to stay Queen.

    My cheeks burned with a blush when someone cleared their throat. "You know that was very public my Queen." I giggled looking beside me to Miron as he smiled.

    Jon stepped beside me and I stood up straight. "Please kneel before me Miron." He looked confused, but did as I requested. Holding out my hand, the guard baring the great Angelic sword came forward and presented it to me. I took it and Miron's eyes grew large while Sir Lucien smiled brightly.

    "Bow your head for me." Miron did and I touched his left shoulder with the flat of the blade. "For loyalty and friendship when I was lost." I moved the blade to his other shoulder. "I knight thee my dear Miron and from this moment on you will be known as Sir Miron. Rise and be joyous Sir Miron."

    He rose and a servant placed a chain of metal and jewels. I smiled because I had kept this as a secret and even got his chain done in secret. The smile on his face was what I was looking for so he knew how much I appreciated him and what he's done for me.

    I looked to Sir Lucien. "Will you do me the honor of taking my new knight under your tutelage so he knows what it is to be on of my knights?"

    Sir Lucien bowed. "It'd be my pleasure."

    Raising my eyes to the room. "I do believe a feast was planned for today. I just hope no one minds that I have no crown just yet."

    There were laughs as the day shifted. Jon helped me back to my throne to enjoy the rest of the day and into the night. When the doctor entered, he informed Jon and I that my stepmother was indeed with child. For now she was to be confined and given every care just for the sake of the child.


     My eyes followed as Jon paced back and forth in front of my throne. He was anxious to see his baby uncle. We were all anxious to see his grandfather's son. Something that had been long over due as my stepmother's pregnancy had postponed for a month and my doctor had to induce her labor in the end.

    "Jon my love, come sit with me or you're going to make me dizzy."

    He sighed coming over and joining me. "I'm sorry my sweet Snow."

    The doors flung opened and in walked Prince Kenith smiling down at the newborn in his arms. A tuff of strawberry blonde hair poking out of the baby's wrapping. Jon was up again and this time I joined him as his grandfather drew near.

    "Oh, he is more than precious." My voice sounded how I felt, in awe.

    Kenith smiled still gazing at the baby. "That he is."

    Then he looked at me. "I regret your people will not get their justice as your stepmother did not survive the birth."

    "I believe they will understand and believe that it was fated to be this way. For one life to come into this world while another leaves it." I smiled. "This is the one good thing she did in all her life."

    "And he will be raised as I had my grandson." He smiled at Jon. "I think I did right raising you."

    Jon chuckled. "That you did granddad, that you did."

    "Just think, in three months you two will be married and you will start having some of your own." Prince Kenith smirked. "I hope you're ready for that."

    I looked at Jon with a blush. "Only because I have my loving Prince that saved my life with me. I know I can do anything with him to keep me strong."

    Jon leaned over and kissed my lips. "And you give me strength." Caressing my cheek, he looked at me with complete love. "All because you love me."

    "And you love me."

    The baby woke and gurgled making us all smile. That night we celebrated the new demon prince with joy. Kenith stayed inside when the fireworks glittered the sky so the sound didn't wake his son. My world was like the flashes in the sky, bright and seemingly to last forever which I want it to always feel like.


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