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Kaito's POV


Tantei-kun winced before, giving into the pain.  I stitched his head while he was still out, thankfully, but he still needed a bandage for his wrist, which was badly sprained and swollen.  He glared at me.  

"That hurt!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tantei-Kun.  Perhaps you would like me to leave it like this to make it worse?" I falsely, sweetly smiled.  He muttered something that sounded like no, so I continued to bandage his wrist.  I grabbed ice from my freezer and threw it to him for a reflex test.  The little detective was looking away, but when he turned around, he got hit with the ice.  


"Hmmm... I see that I hit you squarely on your lips.  They look red now."  

Conan blanched, not quite expecting that reaction.  I kept my poker face and my actions controlled, even though I just wanted to hug him so bad.  

"You look good that way."

"Shut up, Kaito."

"Ah, but first.  If I'm keeping you here in my house, let's skip the KID crap."

I made my KID attire change into my regular everyday clothes.  I flicked a blue rose, which Tantei-Kun looked delighted at.  I smiled.  He didn't even know what this meant.  

"Kuroba Kaito.  Magic extraordinaire, also secretly known as Kaito Kid."

"Nice to meet your true identity, Kuroba Kun."

I waved his formality away.  

"Please.  Call me Kaito, Conan!"  

Conan's POV

I accepted the blue rose, trying to remember what a blue rose meant in flower language.  I gave up, but focused on his name.  I scrunched my nose, trying to remember where I had heard that name before.  It sounded so familiar, yet so fuzzy.  

"So... wanna introduce yourself to me?  Tantei-Kun?"

My eyes widened.  What did he know about me?  I played innocent.  

"What are you talking about, Kid- I mean, Kaito?  I'm just 9 years old!"

"Ah, but there are things that aren't adding up, Tantei Kun."  

He paced around, looking incredibly like me in my REAL form, trying to deduce something.  'So this is how I look.  Man, if his hair was just a bit more neater, I'd have a twin.'  

"You're incredibly intelligent for your age, Conan."

I thought that I could just defend myself as I usually did, coming up with some lame excuse that nobody could actually look through.  

"I was privately tutored!  My IQ's really high, that's all!", I said with a hint of panic I tried to mask.  

"Oh really?  Then why would you still be in 3 grade, and not in fourth grade, if you're so smart?"

"I-I like where I am.  I made so many friends, Kaito!"

"Hmm, yet you always seem to be calm in the face of a homicide while many kids would be terrified or horrified at such a scene.  You handle it very calmly, Tantei-Kun."

I knew he was catching onto my act, but I was never one to give up.  Not now, not never.  I was determined.  I mean, if it gets too bad I could just tranquilize him.  

"Also, you seem to be incredibly... mature for your age.  You know, other kids don't know something, while you would maybe blush... or smile."

I gritted my teeth.  He was getting too close to home with his unexpected deductions.  

"Not to mention, you have an incredible amount of vast knowledge about... murders."

I turned around, seeing Kaito's amused face, with his signature smirk.  

"Aren't I right..." he said in a voice that sent shivers up my spine.  

"Kudo Shinichi, Great Detective of the East!" He pointed at me triumphantly.  

"CRAP!  I didn't want to have to use this, KID, but I have to."

I aimed my watch, and clicked the button, but it didn't come out.  I clicked it again, and heard snickers from KID.  I felt my anger boiling.  

"What's so funny, KID?"

He laughed so hard, he was crying.  He wiped his eyes and managed to control himself.  

"I disarmed your wristwatch and that annoying soccer ball belt thingy."

I squeaked a bit with fear, my scared expression breaking through.  I saw an opening and I bolted, hoping I could make it to the door.  I was almost there when I felt myself unable to move.  


"Naughty, aren't we?"

I noticed that a thin rope had entangled my legs, coiling like a snake.  I barely held back a gasp, because my legs were sensitive and I hated anything touching them.  It was my hidden weakness which I preferred not anyone to know about, including this prankster for a bastard.  

"Now, don't you remember me, SHIN-CHAN?!"

As soon as he said that, I remembered him.  He was my best friend before I met Ran and he met Aoko.  


"Hmm.  Thanks for the not implied confession, Shin-Chan." He hummed, and I struggled.  

"Say what?!!!???"

"You basically just admitted to being Shinichi!  I missed you so much, Shin-Chan!" I said sweetly.  

"SAY WHAT?  NO!"  

I struggled viciously.  

"Kaito!  Get these fricking ropes off of me!"

"Aww, do you not like being immobilized?"

I struggled again,  trying to punch him.  


"That's some strong language there, Shin-Chan."


Kaito's POV

'He's so adorable when he's angry.'   Shin-Chan was all red in the face.  

"Hey, calm down.  You just got stitches!"


I playfully pouted.  Conan didn't look impressed.  

"That was mean.  You need to settle down.  I don't want to se unnecessary means!"

I really didn't.  I had a bottle of chloroform ready just in case, but I never actually expected him to lash out.  Especially with his calm attitude.  

"What is your unnecessary means, huh?!!?"

I grabbed the chloroform because now he was just getting too annoying and was stressing himself.  I held him down and he suddenly turned worried.  

"W-Wait... K-Kaito... what are you- mmmphhph!"

I put the cloth over his nose and mouth.  His eyes started to close, but he kept fighting.  He grabbed my hand and tried to pry me off, but since he was technically speaking 9, he didn't have a good chance over a highschooler.  He eventually stopped resisting and his head fell limp to one side.  I ran a hand through my hair, making me look distressed.  'I'm sorry, I didn't want to have to do this, Conan.'

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